Love, yes, but Joy?

Chapter 5 of the book of Galatians offers a stark contrast between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the human spirit (heart). Verses 19-21 list numerous works (sins) of the flesh, while verses 22 and 23 give us the nine fruits of the spirit, beginning with love. Most Christians-perhaps most people-will agree that we all can grow in love. I know I can, without having to ask the opinion of my wife, children, or others. Growing in the love of God is an ongoing process with everyone I know. Those who think that they've "arrived" are probably the ones needing to grow the most.

So, as far as growing, love, yes-but joy? How does a Christian grow in joy? How can one grow in joy, without getting goofy and weird? I mean, who wants to be one of "them?"

A Christian grows in joy just like one grows in love. How?  By hearing verses about love, believing them in your heart, and acting like they're true in your own life. Remember, if you really believe God's Word in any area, you'll begin to act like it's true in your own life. If you don't than you may mentally agree with it in your head (mental assent), but not in your heart, where faith is.

Hearing verses and messages about the love of God will cause faith to come (Romans 10:17). Acting on God's love will cause fruit to grow in your life in the area of love. Over time, people will see that fruit exhibited in your life. Like telling an apple tree by the apples (fruit) on the branches, the fruit of love will show up in us, as spiritual branches.

The same is true about joy. The Bible has numerous verses about joy, in both the Old and New Testaments. Here are some of them:

Nehemiah 8:10;  Psalm 30:5; Isaiah 55:12;  John 16:24;  Romans 14:17;  James 1:2

As you keep hearing verses on joy, such as the ones above, faith for joy will come. Then, out of a believing heart, begin to act like you have joy. Not over night, but in time, as you continue to hear about God's joy, you'll become more joyful. Eventually, what's in your heart and mouth will affect your face. The fruit of joy will grow in your life even more.

Here's a link to a joyous service that will bless you in growing in the fruit of joy:

It's a service in which people responded to what the Spirit of God was wanting to do: meet the needs of people as they responded to Him.







God Loves Introverts

Not everyone is outgoing by nature. For those who are, never apologize for being who and what you are. On the other hand there are introverts. They are often behind the scenes, their creative gifts making possible the finished products which benefit all of us. Introverts are, too often, considered shy. This could be true in some cases, however, being introverted and being shy are not the same. I know one person who, though introverted, is certainly not shy. This person is just not one to start a conversation or enjoy crowds. One on one, a lot of introverts are engaging, conversational (to a point), and offer perspectives on life worth hearing. Introverts can be creative thinkers, seeing solutions others miss.

No one sees everything. My wife and children see things I don't. At times, I see things my wife doesn't. Not to make her look bad but, in part, to protect her; to make her look good. Introverts see things differently; they think outside the proverbial  status quo box; they're very analytical at times. To some that's being slow, but I see it as a potential way to do something in a way that could save family, business, or a church time and money.

In my opinion, leadership quality can improve by making room for introverts, starting with one. Not in pity or to be condescending, but recognizing that inside that quiet one, who's outside the spotlight, may very well be the gifts and talents needed at that moment. Pastors in need of creative solutions do well to ask God to send the right person(s). But how many will recognize God's answer, when it comes in the form of an introvert?

God loves everyone-the whole world for that matter-according to John 3:16, in the New Testament. Are you extroverted? God loves you. Perhaps you're on the shy side; it's hard for you to be around other people, until you get to each other. Well, God loves you. Maybe you're neither extroverted or shy, just a regular gal or guy. God loves you.

Finally, though, you may be an introvert. You're not outgoing; you're not actually shy. Initiating conversation is outside your comfort zone, so to speak. But, once you get started, you have a lot in you to share with those who-you hope-will listen to what you have to say. God loves you. Trust Him to open doors of opportunity whereby your gifts and talents can be shared in your own, unique, way. Be willing to go outside your own comfort zone.

Do you know an introvert? Is it you? How well are their (your?) viewpoints received?

Lies About God

In my experience, God is the most misunderstood person-ever. Some things you can say about God is that He's all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, and loving. In fact, God IS love. At the same time there are some things said about God which just aren't true; they're lies. Here are just a few things said about God which, although seemingly true, are lies:

Lie #1: God is in control

You've probably heard it from the pulpit of a service you've attended,"God is in control." But if God is truly in control than why are so many Christians being killed for their faith? Why are so many millions suffering from sickness, disease, and/or poverty? If God is in control it doesn't take much intelligence to realize He's sure made a mess of things.

The truth of the matter is that there is a devil in this world. According to the Bible, his name is Satan, the enemy of God and every Christian. Satan is the ultimate thief, whose three-fold purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy human beings, just like you and me. Whether by sickness, tornados, poverty, or murder, the devil will-if allowed to-make lives miserable. Then he'll then laugh when people, whether intentionally or in ignorance, blame God for what they allowed the devil to do. No, God is not in control.

The truth is that Christians are to rule over the devil, enforcing his defeat, according to James 4:7 and I Peter 5:8,9. Romans 5:17 teaches that we are to reign in this life, as kings-not paupers. We are to put the devil on the run, in Jesus' Name. Now that's the truth.

Lie #2: God can do anything He wants to:

This is another lie that many, including myself, have heard more than once. To be truthful, it's a lie. Why? Here are things God simply cannot do:

He can't make people get saved; He can't make people pay tithes; He can't make people serve Him. Although He wants to, God, Who is a gentleman, can't make anyone do any of these things, because we all have the gift of choice-to obey or disobey God. I could go on about things God can't do, but you get the point: God can't do anything He wants to.

Filter what you hear, through the truth about what's being said or written. Get to know God for yourself, through His Word and through fellowshipping (talking) with Him. Who knows, there may be other lies about God you'll hear and reject, because you know better.

And that's the truth. What other lies about God have you heard? How have you responded?


The Five-A Team

Most jobs-most of life-involves being part of a team. Classroom assignments, sports, church production, and workplace projects-these are but a few of many potential scenarios where teams are involved. Even Jesus had a team. For the most part, jobs involve working with at least one other person-often more. Given the likelihood of working with others I have found that, by knowing and putting into practice certain basic principles, success in life can come easier.

Have you ever wondered why talent and personality go only so far on the job?  Why is longevity so often demonstrated by those whose character more than makes up for apparent-or actual-less talent and average personality?

Perhaps because, in life, character matters.

In my book The Five-A Team: Character Traits for Success in Life, I list five traits-all beginning with the letter A. When applied, these traits will make a measurable difference in the life of those who desire to succeed in life. You can find my book on Amazon and iBooks  This book would make a great gift for graduate.

A few years ago I was addressing several college business students. I told them that, if they'll show up for work sober, and on time, there's a place for them. The teacher agreed. Attendance and sobriety are a big deal to employers. As I state in my book, perfect attendance helped save my job, when others had more talent-and far more personality.

Personally, I believe that success in life is something worth pursuing at an early age. Children can start putting character traits into practice at an early age. By the time they're teenagers they'll be ahead of others waiting at the starting line, so to speak.

I do ask that those making a purchase please leave a review for others to see. I believe that you'll be blessed by what you read-even more blessed by putting what's read into practice.

After reading the book, what additional traits can you suggest?

We Were There

Among the the books I read growing up were ones entitled We Were There. This series portrayed characters as being part of the actual events being told about. Whether it was the explorers Lewis and Clark, the Boston Tea Party, or the Battle of Gettysburg, the author made it seem like the reader was actually there, as part of the story. In these scenarios, however, the reader wasn't there. No real exploring with Lewis and Clark, taking cover at Gettysburg, or watching tea being dumped in the Boston harbor. God's Word, the Bible, tells us that we were somewhere with Jesus. I know that this seems impossible, silly, or too good to be true, but please continue reading.

In the Book of Galatians, one of Paul's letters written to fellow Christians, we read that, in the eyes of God, we were crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20). Both the book of Romans and Colossians tell us that water baptism is symbolic of us being buried with Christ (Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12). This isn't a pretty picture, but it gets better-much better.

Ephesians 2:5,6 reveal to us that, when God quickened-made alive-Jesus Christ from the dead, we were quickened with Him. When God raised Christ from the dead, we were raised with Him. Best of all, when Jesus sat down at God's right hand, God made us sit there too.

We were there, with Christ, when He was made alive, raised up, and seated at God's right hand. Jesus did all the suffering, giving us the credit. Everything Jesus did, He did for us.

I don't claim to understand this in full, but have come to believe it; now I'm walking in this eternal truth. God says that we're seated together with Christ, at God's right hand, in heaven. From that exalted position, we're to enforce the devil's defeat here on the earth, as part of the growing number of triumphant believers called the Church. God's Church.

I've begun to walk in these Bible truths. Not like I'm going to, but my walk has begun. As enjoyable as those "virtual" books were as a boy, this is so much better. This is real; this is truth. WE WERE THERE, crucified, buried, made alive, raised, and seated together WITH Christ, in heavenly places, at God's right hand. Better than any fiction; this is real life.

If this is new to you or, even if you're already walking in these truths, feel free to share your questions and/or comments. We can learn from others, including you.

Heavenly Tours

Many famous places offer tours to the public. Some are free; others are for a fee. The White House tour is free, as is one in the Capitol Building. Although free, both do have conditions which have to be met prior to their respective tour. What about Heavenly tours? What if you could take a guided tour of Heaven, to see what and who's really there? Is there a heavenly street of gold? A rainbow around God's throne? Are there burritos in Heaven?  Can I see what my mansion is going to look like?

Despite being an intriguing thought there are no heavenly tours; no guided strolls around Heaven in all of its splendor-at least not for those on the earth. Here are three reasons:

  1. Heaven, though more real than Earth, is home to just those who have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord, out of a believing heart. Like earthly tours, Heaven has conditions.
  2. Taking a tour of Heaven won't guarantee one's faith in Christ. Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples, refused to believe His appearance without some physical confirmation. God wants each of us to accept Christ on the basis of His written Word, the Bible, rather than something we can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. It's called walking by faith, not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Taking God at His Word matters more heavenly tours.
  3. As wonderful as Heaven is my mission is to make as many  disciples as I can. Rather than being portrayed as an end, I choose to pray and work to bring Heaven down into as many lives as I can. Why wait to get to Heaven to experience some of it on Earth?

Heaven's a huge place. According to the Bible (Revelation 21:16) Heaven is 1500 miles long, 1500 miles wide, and 1500 miles high. The focal point, however, isn't mansions, rivers, gold, or angels. No, the focal point is the Presence of God throughout Heaven, coming from the throne of God Himself, with Jesus at His right hand.

I don't need a tour of Heaven to describe to me how wonderful it is. Jesus' return for those looking for His appearing is coming soon. When that happens, a lot more of us are going to see Heaven-a lot more. Until then God's Word is sufficient information to describe Heaven. I'm sure there'll be time, later on, to take in the sights, so to speak.

I hope you're excited about Heaven. I hope that you're more excited about bringing Heaven to those here on earth.