
Lessons Learned From Puzzles

My wife is good at puzzles. Most 500-1000 piece puzzles are “conquered” in several hours, spread out over a few days. Usually during holiday breaks.

Over the years Pamela has learned a few “tricks” of successful puzzle solving. No matter how many pieces-no matter how challenging a puzzle appears to be-my wife always starts with the frame. Always; no exceptions. Once the frame is in place she knows that all other pieces have to fit somewhere within the frame.

Some of the puzzles my wife solves have trees or other objects with similar colors and shapes to them. From a distance the pieces can appear as punishment for buying the puzzle. These take more time to overcome, for similar-looking pieces to eventually fit together.

At times life may seems like a puzzle. Pictures on the puzzle box cover are like the lives people dream about: they’re a whole lot easier to look at than to be completed in ones own life. The bigger the dream the more “pieces” there are to have in place.

Life can seem like a giant, complex puzzle. But like any puzzle, it’s easier to fit the pieces together when the frame’s in place. It’s then a matter of knowing where to put other pieces in the frame. Still challenging, but now much more workable.

Each successful life has a frame, a border that defines both its possibilities and limits. Your life’s best frame is God’s Word: what God says about who you are and what you have, in Christ, and what you can do through Christ. All good “pieces.”

This frame holds the rest of your life together. No pieces go outside the frame. It’s a frame that’s just right for every piece of your life.  Starting with your frame.

The time it takes for the pieces of your life to fit together depends on when you want to start. This ministry is helping people in framing their lives for eternity. Feel free to check out the rest of our website for more simple pieces of knowledge (information), suitable for framing:.

©Copyright Hubert Gardner Ministries 2018-2024

War of Two Worlds

The War of the Worlds, written by H.G. Wells, narrates our world being invaded by aliens from Mars. For those who have never read the classic, I won't reveal the invasion results, nor how the book ends. The War of the Worlds is, of course, purely fiction. There is, however a very real war between two worlds that has been going on for a very long time. It's the war between the words of God'a world, and the words of the devil, God's enemy, and his world.

Both worlds are equally real. One is a world of light, love, and life. The other is the exact opposite: a world of darkness, fear, and death. Each world wants everyone to live in its kingdom, its realm. And each world is using words to achieve its purpose. Not just any words, but rather the words of its creator.

This war of two worlds is being fought, not with swords or guns or bombs, but with tongues, with words. Words of life versus words of death. Words of health versus those of sickness. Both worlds' words are available to all to speak; both worlds' words are spoken by the choice of the one doing the speaking.

In the Bible, the book of Proverbs  has much to say about the effect of words:

Proverbs 4:22 tells us that God's words are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. The literal Hebrew renders "health" as "medicine."

Proverbs 12:18 tells us that the tongue of the wise is health. If the tongue of the wise is health, then it's wise to speak God's words of health, rather than the devil's words of sickness and disease.

Proverbs 18:12 states that death and life are in the power of the tongue. They who love it will eat the fruit of it. This tells us that those who love speaking words of death such as sickness, disease, poverty, weakness, insufficiency,  will bear death's fruit in their lives. On the other hand, those who love speaking words of life such as health, wellbeing, abundance, strength, and sufficiency, will bear life's fruit in their lives.

In the New Testament, John 6:63 records Jesus as saying that His words were spirit and life. Life, not death. The obvious conclusion is that speaking what Jesus says-what God's Word says- is crucial to us winning the war of words against the devil and his words.

Fiction aside, there is an unseen war being waged, involving every person on the earth. Again, not with swords, guns, or bombs, but with what comes out of our mouths, our words. Not just in church, but in everyday life.

I am more convinced than ever that words are more valuable than silver, gold, bank accounts, and retirement funds. Both God and the devil know this, which is why each listens to our everyday words: God, to bring to pass His words of life; the devil to bring to pass his words of death. The choice of what we speak is all ours, not God's or the devil's.

The war of the worlds never happened. The war of words is going on as I "speak."

Which side of the war of words are you on?  Comments are welcomed.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries


Words Matter

Over the years I've attended 25 or so weddings, not including my own. All had at least one common thread: the words "I do." Every bride and groom responded in the affirmative when posed the question, "Do you take ______ to be your lawful wedded (husband/wife)?" No exceptions; both my wife (thankfully) and I also answered in the affirmative. When it comes to weddings, "I do" matters. Saying "No" or "We need to talk" aren't moving the ceremony to its anticipated conclusion. Now, if only "I do" guaranteed a successful marriage but, alas, it takes more than two words to accomplish this.

If people only knew the value of their everyday words, vocabularies would instantly change. "That just tickles me death" may sound harmless but who really wants to depart this life by tickling? " I'm scared to death that....." are words which give permission for fear to harass, torment-even cause death in the one whose tongue is producing the fruit of death, rather than of life (Proverbs 18:21). Apparently God takes words pretty seriously.

There are ditches on both sides of any topic you want to name: eating, exercise, diet, cleanliness, dress, to name a few. The same is true concerning our words, those things which we say on an everyday basis. One ditch is to say anything you want; the other is devoid of any humor whatsoever. Pharisees love this side, for sure. While there's certainly a balance, the Bible says much about guarding what comes out of our mouth.

For myself, if the Bible has something to say about words, I want to hear it, then do it.

As over simplistic as it may sound, words matter-and not just in weddings. Words matter in everyday life.  Words are containers; they contain faith or fear, love or hate, belief or unbelief. The words we speak can bless or curse, encourage or discourage, build up or tear down. And it's always by our choice.

Do you really believe that you'll get the flu? Do you really believe that money runs out before the end of the month? Do you really believe that so and so will be the death of you? Then why permit those words to take root in your life? If God's Word can take root in your life (Mark 4:20), then so can other words, but in a negative way.

I'm not saying that we can't tell a clean joke or gently tease someone once in a while. What I am saying is that the importance of our words is something worth learning. Not just the importance of speaking God's Word, but those words we speak in everyday life.

Check out your words to see how they can be improved, in content and/or tone. I did, with measurable results. I haven't arrived yet, but life is better. Who's willing to do the same? Who's willing to ask God for His help in being a greater blessing to the world around you?

Now, do I really believe that, with God's help, this is not only possible, but well worth it?

I do.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024

No Sequel Needed

Great books do not need a sequel; the original is sufficient in itself. Although sequels were done to them, books like To Kill A Mockingbird, Gone With the Wind, and The Wizard of Oz are, in my opinion, just fine as they are.

The greatest book ever written, and the one with the most annual sales is, actually, the Bible. Actually 66 books within the one Book, the Bible is history, a narrative of the life of Jesus Christ, and letters written to Christians. It also contains the book of Revelation, a lengthy vision that John, the last of the original disciples had regarding end times.

For centuries the Bible has endured criticism, derision, hatred, and questions concerning its sacred origins. It has survived countless attempts to eradicate it from the face of the earth, to be blotted out from all memory-all to no avail.

Jesus said that His words would not pass away (Matthew 24:35). The same is true concerning the rest of the Bible: what holy men of old wrote, inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21) is as true today as when it was written. God says what He means and means what He says. No sequels, revisions, updates, or corrections are needed.. As I said in my book, Born To Win: A Study Guide for New Believers, God said it right the first time.

Much time is spent arguing whether the Bible is really God speaking to us today, or merely a work of fiction compiled from the pens of many men over the years. Any book that has changed countless lives over the last 2,000+ years is worth studying. It's the only book ever spoken by God through the lives of those who not only wrote what God said to write, but who first lived it.

Regardless of doubters, scoffers, and others opposed to God's Holy Word, the Bible's words were correctly written the first time. Unlike the afore-mentioned books, the Bible stands as the written will of God. As is. Forever. No sequel needed.

And that's more than enough proof for me to act upon the timeless truths of God's Word, the Book needing no sequel: The Bible.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024

The Most Valuable Commodity

By definition, a commodity is something useful or valued. It's often found as a product or a service. Today's post focuses on the word "commodity" as a product, specifically words. That's right, words; things we use to communicate information on an everyday basis. Some commodities are better known, like gold, silver, and oil. Some are small, such as corn or wheat. but none are as valuable as words. Allow me to explain.

Motivational speakers get paid to do what? To speak words which are designed to inform and/or inspire their audiences to more productive thinking, action, and results. Results which, hopefully, profit both the sponsoring company (ies), as well as those listening.

Top motivational speakers command six-figure fees for hour-long speeches. No stunts, tricks, or personality (well, maybe some),   Motivational speakers motivate with words.

W O R D S.

What changed people's lives during Jesus's earthly ministry was not His looks, personality, or where He liked to go shopping; it was His words. Jesus said the following:

"By your words you'll be justified, or condemned." -Matthew 12:37

"You'll have what you say, out of a believing heart" -Mark 11:23 (my paraphrase)

Wind was stilled, bodies healed, and false doctrine corrected. Not with what was written, but said. Words of authority, power, and ability.  And life.

Words of life. Both Proverbs 4:20 and the words of Jesus, in John 6:63, tell us that God's words are life. Not mere mortal manuscripts of collective philosophy, but LIFE. Speaking God's words is speaking life (Proverbs 18:21)  and health (Proverbs 12:18),

Those who understand the value of their words (eventually) become invaluable to those around them. Speaking for myself, I'd much rather have someone around speaking words of life, health, encouragement-something uplifting, then hearing words of doom, gloom, agony and despair-the usual fare of the evening news. And most conversations.

Words are a result of choice. We choose to speak what others will be hearing. Will our words be cheap sounds of despair, disease-even death, or the most valuable commodity on earth: words of life, peace, victory, success, health, and wisdom, just like God's words?

Speaking words of value won't pay you a six-figure fee every time you open your mouth. But something far more valuable can happen: you can change a life, starting with yours.

Yes, words are the most valuable commodity in existence. How much are yours worth?

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024

The Most Misunderstood Word

A lot of words are misunderstood by the hearer, sometimes even by the one speaking. Years ago, under the former Soviet Union, communist leaders declared their wish for peace. Sounds good, right? The only problem with that is that peace, to communists, was them being in charge over the rest of the world. The fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, proved that communism's idea of peace didn't work-and never will. Even more misunderstood than the word peace is, in my opinion, the word love. People talk about how they love this food, that drink, their favorite sports team. Some love cold weather, others just love hot weather. I've met a lot of people who love hiking, fishing, hunting, and/or cooking. And let's not forget the love for ones pet, as in puppy love.

Then there's love for God, family, and fellow man. All of these areas referenced with the single word of L-O-V-E. How can one truly say, however, that he/she truly loves sports more than his/her own family. Yes, I know that too many men, as well as a few women, fall into this category. But it's still wrong. Speaking now to men: The team you claim to love won't divorce you for failing to spend time with it by television or cable. But you stand a good chance of alienating-even losing-your family by  neglecting them game after game.

In the english language we have one word for love: love. The Greeks have four words for love: Agape, Storge, Phileo, and Eros, Agape is the God-kind of love; Storge is  (non sexual) love, based on affection;  Phileo is brotherly love. the city of Philadelphia is called the city of brotherly love. Eros, the last kind of love is sexual love, between a man and woman, within marriage.

One word meaning so many different things in the english language. No wonder people find learning English so difficult. In this instance I think the Greeks got it right. The love I have for my dog may be Storge, but it's certainly not Agape. No, Agape is reserved for human beings, an outgrowth from God-Who is love-and His love inside me.

When it comes to God, I Agape Him. Agape is the highest kind of love because God, Who is Love, is in me, enabling me to love Him in return. The love I have for God is far above any of the other three types mentioned. Yet, on the surface, love is still spelled the same.

I think that It's too late to change our English language to show the different meanings of the word love. But at least we can agree that, perhaps, love is the most misunderstood word.

What's in Your Words?

A popular commercial asks the viewer, "What's in your wallet?" A few years ago, the big-selling question was"Got Milk?" Apparently viewers liked/like being asked questions. Here's a question that is, perhaps, new to you: "What's in your words?" By that I mean I'm wanting to know the content, tone, and value of what you're asking or saying.

Many people are talking without really saying anything. In fact you may know those who fit this unfortunate description. As they, themselves, might say, "Oh, I'm just talking."

In Proverbs 18:21 we read that death and life are in the power of the tongue. In John 6:63 Jesus stated that the words He spoke were spirit and they were life. Proverbs 4:22 shows us that God's words are life to those who find them and (they are) health-or medicine-to all their flesh. There's a pattern here of God's words being words of life. It's then our choice to speak (God's) words of life, or words contrary to God which are words of death.

We, for the most part, choose what words we'll say on a regular basis. We can resort to allowing our tongues to spew out toxic words tainted with hate, fear, strife, unforgiveness, sickness-even death. Or we can speak words of encouragement, peace, faith, love, hope, and tenderness. Either way, it's our choice.

Since words really do matter, it is so important that we view our words as seriously as we do our health and financial wellbeing. Why? Because words are containers: they contain life or death, health or sickness, prosperity or poverty, in seed form. The hearers of your words then decide whether to believe them or not, to allow them to germinate  and produce fruit, or not. Which is better to tell a coughing friend, A."It sounds like you're coming down with something. After all it's flu season", or B."Aren't you glad for health, strength, and deliverance from sickness?" Pssst: the answer is B.

Now, some go the extreme where you can't ever tell a joke or say something funny. Good, clean humor can be beneficial, not just all day long. Remember, humor comes from God.

So, what's in your words? What do your words contain? I know that, for myself, I'm working at being better at speaking words of life, encouragement, and blessing, rather than "just talking." If I were to meet you that's what I'd be doing, because you're worth it.



Lies About God

In my experience, God is the most misunderstood person-ever. Some things you can say about God is that He's all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, and loving. In fact, God IS love. At the same time there are some things said about God which just aren't true; they're lies. Here are just a few things said about God which, although seemingly true, are lies:

Lie #1: God is in control

You've probably heard it from the pulpit of a service you've attended,"God is in control." But if God is truly in control than why are so many Christians being killed for their faith? Why are so many millions suffering from sickness, disease, and/or poverty? If God is in control it doesn't take much intelligence to realize He's sure made a mess of things.

The truth of the matter is that there is a devil in this world. According to the Bible, his name is Satan, the enemy of God and every Christian. Satan is the ultimate thief, whose three-fold purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy human beings, just like you and me. Whether by sickness, tornados, poverty, or murder, the devil will-if allowed to-make lives miserable. Then he'll then laugh when people, whether intentionally or in ignorance, blame God for what they allowed the devil to do. No, God is not in control.

The truth is that Christians are to rule over the devil, enforcing his defeat, according to James 4:7 and I Peter 5:8,9. Romans 5:17 teaches that we are to reign in this life, as kings-not paupers. We are to put the devil on the run, in Jesus' Name. Now that's the truth.

Lie #2: God can do anything He wants to:

This is another lie that many, including myself, have heard more than once. To be truthful, it's a lie. Why? Here are things God simply cannot do:

He can't make people get saved; He can't make people pay tithes; He can't make people serve Him. Although He wants to, God, Who is a gentleman, can't make anyone do any of these things, because we all have the gift of choice-to obey or disobey God. I could go on about things God can't do, but you get the point: God can't do anything He wants to.

Filter what you hear, through the truth about what's being said or written. Get to know God for yourself, through His Word and through fellowshipping (talking) with Him. Who knows, there may be other lies about God you'll hear and reject, because you know better.

And that's the truth. What other lies about God have you heard? How have you responded?