It May Be Time To Change Mirrors

Mirrors provide a reflection of how we look on the outside. We all use mirrors to check hair, ties, and general appearance. Personally, I'm glad for mirrors. Without them I would have missed the spot on my shirt, the hairs needing spraying or, worse, the unnecessary object in my nose. God has a mirror, in a manner of speaking. It's called His Word. Looking into God's Word allows us to see ourselves on the inside as God does, to get a glimpse of how we look in Christ, in God's sight. And we all look a whole lot better in Christ, than out. I know I do.

It's alright to have a good appearance, naturally speaking. More people ought to pay attention to how they look on the outside. At the same time, let's not forget to see ourselves in God's mirror, in the light of God's Word-especially the books of Romans through Revelation. These are the books written directly to Christians. It's here that we can get a true picture of how we look to God, and how He wants us to look before the world, those who are without Christ.

After all, we're His representatives in the earth, to those without Christ. And what better time to show Christ to the world than at Christmas?

If your only focus is your outward appearance, it may be time to change mirrors. It may be time see yourself in God's mirror, to focus more on how you look to God-and others, in Christ.

Guard Your Roots

Trees, plants, fruits, and vegetables have roots. Weeds do too, but I'll focus on the positive. Whatever seed is planted will produce roots. Those roots provide the grounding and stability needed for that tree, for instance, to survive, grow, flourish, and fulfill its destiny. The same is true with Christians. Every Christian has been planted, if you will, into Christ by the Holy Spirit, according to 1 Corinthians 12:13. We've been placed into what the Bible calls the Body of Christ. Jesus is the Head; we are the Body. As with any new life in the natural, we must begin to grow roots. Those roots lengthen and strengthen as we hear God's Word, believe it, and act like it's so in us.

Without a strong root system trees stop growing. Sometimes they die. Why? In part because the roots weren't protected; they weren't watered, kept weed-free, and allowed, in the case of an apple tree, to bear fruit. The same is true in our lives. Without a strong root system of God's Word, prayer, fellowship with other believers, and service, spiritual growth is stunted, even ended.

Neither God nor I want that to happen. Our root system depends on us to guard it, to see that it has every opportunity to reach its potential, in Christ. Our root system-our foundation if you will-needs our constant vigilance. It's up to us to, as Proverbs 4:23 points out, to keep (guard, protect) our hearts with all diligence. Why? Because the devil is a meanie; he'll try everything to keep your roots from even getting started, much less growing. If he can't do that, he'll try to isolate you, to keep you from influencing others to grow in Christ.

Guard your roots. Make the time and effort to check your roots, your foundation, to ensure that they are being fed what they need, to grow as they ought. Make sure your roots are both lengthening and strengthening. Someone out there needs to see your life as a living example of what the Christian life looks like in everyday life. Without your roots in place, branches and fruit won't be much to look at.

How well are you guarding your roots? What are you doing to ensure your roots are growing on a consistent basis?

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2015-2024


Where's Jesus?

A lot of people are curious about Jesus as a person. More and more people are looking for Jesus, each for his/her own reason(s). How would you respond to someone asking you the following question: "Where's Jesus." Or, how about, "How do I find Him?" First of all, Jesus isn't lost.  It's just a matter of knowing where He is, so people searching for Him can know where to look. To find where Jesus is, let's start by eliminating where He is not. Let's start with the Cross, where Jesus died, becoming sin for us. Is He there? No, He's not. The old wooden Cross is nowhere to be found. Not to take away from the significance of the Cross, but Jesus isn't there.

Next, let's stop by the tomb where Jesus was buried and left, following His resurrection from hell. As much as I'm thankful for the Tomb, Jesus isn't there either. No, Jesus isn't at the Cross. He's not anywhere near the Tomb. So, where's Jesus? Just exactly where is Jesus?

According to Scriptures (Ephesians 1:20; Hebrews 10:12) Jesus is now in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God Himself. Yes, Jesus went to the Cross. He went to hell in our place, paid the penalty for sin, was raised from the dead by God, then left the Tomb.

But Jesus isn't on the Earth. To get people to Jesus we need to take them to where He is right now, on His Heavenly Throne, not where He used to be. People looking for Jesus ought to be brought to where He's been for nearly 2,000 years, offering Life to all who call upon His Name. Once someone comes into a saving knowledge of Jesus, just come into His Presence, before His Throne, anytime at all. He's there.

In Heaven, on His Throne-that's where Jesus is. That's where you'll find Him, even at Christmas and on Easter. That's worth knowing.

Never forget where Jesus was; what He did for you. Where Jesus is now, however, is where we are to bring others-and come ourselves.



God's Busy

God's a busy Person. Just think about it: He's created a universe that He's keeping in order. He created Earth, the crown jewel of our universe. He created a wonderful Plan of Redemption for all Mankind, then sent His only Son to consummate it through His death, burial, and resurrection. On top of all that, God is continually watching over His every Word to make sure they all come to pass. Okay, so God's busy. After all He's, well, God. But is He too busy watching over the universe and His Word to have an eternal interest in you, in what you're doing?  Is God too busy to want-and be able-to help you get from where you are to where you want to be?

I don't think so. In fact, I know so. How can I be so sure? Because the Living God, Who is upholding the universe He created,  loves me with an everlasting love. He loves you with the same love that He loves Jesus with (John 17:23). It's so, so believe and accept it. God has an intimate interest in you. To take this one step further, He is now the Heavenly Father of all those who have believed on and confessed Jesus, God's Son, as Lord of their lives. Is God your Heavenly Father? If so, great. If not, He can be.

A father cares about his children. Although busy, good fathers make the time for their children. Good fathers are vitally interested in their children for who they are-not just what they can do for Daddy. God's that-and more.  God wants to be a part of every moment of your individual life, helping you to become and be the person He created you to be. He's made available the resources of Heaven to make it so.

Yes, God's busy. After all, there are so many things to do when you're God. Just remember though, that, because He's God, He can do so many different things at once, including taking care of you, hearing and answering your prayers, spending time with you whenever you want (hopefully often), and letting you get as close to Him as you want to be. As busy as God is, you can't get too close to Him; you can't know Him too well. Quite a Father, now isn't He?

God's busy-busy desiring your love, trust, fellowship, and needing you to help Him carry out His Plan of redemption in the Earth today.

It's time to get busy knowing the Living God Who's always busy, yet has all the time in eternity, so to speak, to live in and through you.

If you have not yet received Jesus as your Savior, click here to do so now.


So, What Are You Saying?

Overall, Christians-even some non Christians-believe that God's words are important; what God says matters. After all, God is, well, God. But what about your words? How important are your words? What difference does it make what you say? In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, chapter 1, verse 12, God says through Jeremiah that He (God) watches over His word to perform it (make it good). That means God cares an awful lot about what comes out His mouth. God really cares about His words.

Why is this? One good reason is that God recognizes and understands the importance of words, what comes out of His mouth. God understands how creative words are, how that words have the ability to create what's seen, out of the unseen (naturally speaking).

What about you? How important are your words? As a Christian, a child of God, how important is it to watch over what comes out of your mouth? Realizing that, like God, your words are creative, are your words creating good or bad, encouragement or discouragement?  According to Proverbs 18:21, are you speaking words of death, or life?  Yes, this verse is actually in the Bible.

What am I saying in all this? I'm saying that words matter, that your words matter just as much as God's. God spoke the worlds into existence. God, according to Hebrew 1:3 is holding up all things by the word of His power. Imitating our Father, our words are creating an environment-a world-around us. Like Father, like son or daughter. Your words do make a difference in your life, and in the lives of those around you. If wars can start with words, so reconciliation, restoration, and renewal can start with the right words.

So, what are you saying? How important is it to say good things, to the point of saying what God says about the situation?


It's Better Than Religion

My last post dealt with the evils of religion. You can check it out here. In criticizing religion in general there is no mention of any one particular religion. My purpose was-and is-to point out the evils of religion, without forcing anyone to change. God is a gentleman-He won't force anyone to believe what he/she doesn't want to believe. In contrast to religion Christianity is about a relationship-a relationship experienced with the Living God, Who hears and answers prayers. Christianity is about accepting the life, teachings, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God's Son, Who lived and walked on this earth, 2,000 years ago. It's coming to God on the basis of what Jesus did for you, not what you can do for yourself. It's coming to Him as you are, not what you can offer God. It's for anyone regardless of age, gender, pedigree, or ethnic background. All because God loves you as you are, right now. Yes, you, the person reading this post. God loves you.

Through studying God's written Word, the Bible, we learn more about who God is, why Jesus came to this earth (historical fact), and what God has provided for us to freely enjoy, on the basis of Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection. It's an offer you're free to accept or reject, as an act of your own will. It's Life for those who accept this free gift; no burnings or beheadings for those who don't.

At the same time, Hell is real. Originally made for the devil, it now, sadly, also includes those who have willfully chosen to reject Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. Not for breaking any or all of the Ten Commandments. For the singular sin of saying "No" to the Life God offers, through His Son, Jesus Christ. I surely don't want anyone to wind up in Hell, with the devil.

Eternity's a long time.

Yes, Hell is real. The most religious place in the universe is Hell. It's full of religious folks, with no relationship with the Living God. They're separated from God for eternity. That's Hell. Fortunately no one is forced to go there. If you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life, pray this simple prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus, Your Son. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord; I believe in my heart that You raised Jesus from the dead for me. Therefore, according to your Word (Romans 10:9,10) I'm saved. I'm now Your child."

If you prayed this prayer from your heart you're now a Christian, a child of God. That's worth telling other Christians.

Please write and let us know of your decision. Simply go to the Contact page of our website, and let us know.