Whose Life Are You Imitating?

A few years ago I was at a dinner with numerous other guests. The evening's entertainment was provided by someone imitating a former president. His looks, mannerisms, and speech were amazingly accurate. When I first saw him the thought occurred to me that this was the actual president-the person this person was accurately imitating. Years ago I heard a person tell a group of students how, when he went to seminary, he was told to pick someone out from church history, to imitate. This person certainly had a long list of person to choose from. He chose Jesus.

We all, at one time or another, have tried to imitate someone else. Good or bad, real or imaginary, as a child or even now-we've all had those those moments of trying to be someone else. For some, those moments became much longer, becoming a lifetime pursuit. Elvis Presley attended one church my family attended. Okay, it wasn't really Elvis-just someone who made money impersonating Elvis in Las Vegas.

Not looking like Elvis or any president, I've chosen to be myself, while still striving to imitate one person's life. That person is God. In the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 5, verse 1 we are to follow God. Some translations read "imitate" in place of "follow." We are to imitate God. How? By acting like Jesus did, when He was here on Earth. The way to imitate Jesus is to find out in God's Word how Jesus acted and act like He did. In time we'll take on those characteristics of love, patience, and faithfulness-among others-which Jesus demonstrated in His earth walk.

Whose life are you imitating? A fictional character? A president or other public figure? Or God, through being like Jesus?

Let God Use You

I pray daily that God makes me a blessing to someone. I supply the willingness and obedience; God supplies everything else. Last week I flew from Tulsa to Dallas. As I entered the plane I had a sense to sit in a certain seat. After a temporary hesitancy on my part I sat down in the seat, moments before others filled seats around me. I was sitting by a window.

Middle seats are the last to fill on most flights. With my flight being completely full, I waited to see who would sit beside me. Eventually a young lady sat down and began to listen to something through her headphones.

Even our one-hour flight allowed me time to read from my New Testament which I did, reading from the Book of Ephesians. After several minutes I laid my New Testament down. Pointing to it the young lady next to me asked if she could look at my New Testament. Sensing an opportunity to be a blessing, I agreed.

This person was studying, of all books, the Book of Ephesians. She had a question about a particular verse that she was looking for, but had been unable to find. I immediately pointed this young lady to the exact verse she needed. Not because I'm so smart, but because I had just been reading that verse as part of my reading time in Ephesians. My fellow passenger was grateful for my help.

God's smarter than any of us realize. He knew that that young lady needed an answer. The answer came through God, by His Holy Spirit, directing her to be seated beside someone who would read from the very place she needed help from.

I'm so glad I obeyed the "nudging" of the Holy Spirit and sat where He was directing, to meet this person's need. That's not bragging on me; that's me bragging on God's direction in blessing one person through another. God will do the same for anyone who'll purpose to be used of Him, then allow God to have His way in that person's life. Including where to sit on a plane.

If this has encouraged you in letting God use you, I'd like to know about it. What's shared by one often encourages someone else.

A Special Offer For You

The print version of my book, “Born to Win: A Study Guide for New Believers," is now available anywhere in the United States, for the special price of only $5.00, shipping included. This is a savings of 50% off the regular price of $ 9.99. Payment in U.S. funds, by check or money order only. Again, this offer is valid for U.S. orders only. Please mail payment to Hubert Gardner Ministries; 6089 E. 56th Street; Tulsa, Ok 74135.

This 90-page book, covering basic, foundational truths, is helping new believers of all ages in their relationship with God. In addition to helping new believers, it also serves as an easy-to-read refresher guide for those more "seasoned", in Christ.

Once you've read the book, write and let us know how this book is helping you in your walk with God.

Write us at: Hubert Gardner Ministries; 6089 E. 56th Street; Tulsa, OK 74135

You can also contact us by email, at: info@hubertgardner.org

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2015-2024

Bamboo and You

Learning about bamboo is a study of parallels between natural and spiritual growth. Bamboo growth is affected by soil, moisture, and temperature. Actually a member of the grass family, bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. In ideal conditions bamboo can grow as much as three feet in a 24-hour period. Pound for pound, bamboo can be stronger than concrete or steel. Similar to goldfish in a pond, bamboo will grow as large as its surroundings will allow. The bigger and better the surroundings, the bigger the bamboo.

Like bamboo our lives are governed by our surroundings. Our heart’s attitude towards God’s Word, the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and our surrounding conversations each influences our spiritual growth.

Unlike the bamboo, however, we can choose our surroundings. Regardless of our backgrounds we can choose to allow our hearts to be good "soil" for the planting of God's Word. We can choose to allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us in the way we should go. Additionally, we can choose to place ourselves in an environment of Truth, including the words we engage in.

How tall do you want to grow in life? Can you see yourself growing up spiritually, much as the bamboo does naturally, with no limits?

Here are some "environmental" changes you can make to boost your spiritual growth: Changing what words have been used in speaking to others-or just someone in particular.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2015-2024