Can I Get a Witness?

As a Christian, I believe in representing Jesus Christ in my marketplace-the part of the world where I have influence. Influence causes decisions to be made, causing turns in direction, resulting in destinies being changed. With so much focus on what we say, how about considering this often-overlooked, yet crucial way to witness to those around us: our writing?. That's right, our writing. Whether it be in a letter, email, post-it note, thank-you card, or other writing, how we write often speaks louder than our content.

If you've ever sent an email, how often have you gotten in a hurry to communicate, only to discover after you hit "Send" that you misspelled and/or misused one or more words. For instance, the word "it's" is short for "it is." Most folks get this right. Substituting "it's" for "its", however is a no no., because "its", as in "everything in its place", is one word-not a contraction of two. Spell check can't catch everything.

Our work is our witness in many ways; therefore our work should include grammatically correct written communication. Ensuring our letters, emails, and notes are works of grammatical accuracy is one visible means of demonstrating excellence in our lives. In today's world, where mediocrity is too often the new excellence, real excellence garners real attention. Attention that may result in an opportunity to plant a verbal seed of Truth into someone's life. Can I get a witness?

What do you think? How important is having good verbal and written communication skills in your marketplace, in your sphere of influence?

Ways You Can Make a Difference

My November 1 post asked the question, "What Difference Does it Make." Taking the well-known question out of its recent political context, I posed this question concerning what differences-if any-Christian values, words, and actions are making in the market place today. Is what we believe, say, and do really making a difference in our world? If so, how? I said that I would share some answers on how we can make a difference to those around us, those who either don't have a relationship with God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. Here are a few ways: 1. Have your church add a youth group page to their website. If they don't have a website encourage them to get one. Let the youth group "announce" upcoming activities plus encourage interaction among social media users by asking relevant questions-something beyond "Where will you spend eternity?" Something like "Why do people like Christ, but hate church?" or "I'd come to your church, but---." Use your own examples. Young people are more apt to reach their peers than those making the decisions. It's time for those making a difference to make some of the decisions.

2. Make short (2-3 minute) videos of what's happening in your church, youth group, and/or personal life-then post them on YouTube and/or Vimeo. Keep them relevant, relational-and short. Let the world see what's going on inside your church, group, or other organization-without them actually being there.

There's an old saying "if the fish aren't biting, don't blame the fish." Change your bait, or where you're fishing. In context that means if what you're doing isn't making a difference, don't blame your "audience." Assess your content and/or methods. Change things up without compromising your core message.

What do you think? Are these workable suggestions? Can you see these ideas working in your church, group, or organization? Share, so we can all benefit.


Where is Your God?

Everyone has a god Whether it's a living person, historical figure, nature, or oneself, everyone has a god. We may not all agree on whose god is the most real, important, or powerful, but everyone has a god. It's unintelligent to think otherwise. Some gods are found on mountains, in water, air, or drug-induced experiences. Some are distant, presumed to inhabit a remote region of the world. Others exist in the handed-down narratives of venerable sages, ancient writings, or self-concocted lore. Then there are those who have convinced others of their diety, that they are God, cashing in on the misplaced spiritual hunger of others desperate for reality. So, then, where is your god?

Christmas is celebrated as the birth of Jesus, God's Son, Who grew up to die for the sins of the whole world. In doing so, Jesus made it possible to restore Mankind to a living relationship with One Who loves each of us with an everlasting love. To some this person is Jehovah, to others He is an unreachable God. To those, however, who have found the Bible to be true, He is the Living God, the Heavenly Father of all who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Unlike all other gods the living God is with, for, and in us, if we are His children. Not distant, far-off, hard to experience, or mystical. With, for, and in us.

Whether it's Christmas, February 29, or Easter, where is your god? The living God lives in those who have confessed Jesus as their Lord, out of a believing heart. Is He in yours? If not, where is your god?

The Only Cause Worth Bowing To

Everyone has a cause; everyone has some cause that he/she strongly believes in. It may not be the cause that you or I do but someone, somewhere, does. Whether it's the environment, social injustice, immigration, or something in the political realm there's a cause, it seems, for everyone. One doesn't have to look far at all to find one to believe in. Some, not liking what they see, start their own. Regardless of which cause-or cause you embrace only one cause is worth bowing ones knees to.  The only cause worth bowing to is the cause of Christ. The only cause worth bowing my knees to is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament the only person Shadrach, Meschack, and Abednego would bow to was God. In the New Testament Jesus was the only person the Apostle Paul was willing to bow his knees to was the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:14). That's pretty good company; my kind of folks.

I believe in other causes. There are a lot of good ones out there where you live, where I live. As a Christian I believe in helping other, in getting behind what someone else is doing-as long as it doesn't compromise or become more important than the furtherance of the Gospel; the advancement of God's great Plan of redemption. For the Christian, getting the Gospel out to those around us should that one cause above all other causes that causes us to bow our knees to God.

If you're a Christian, what cause (s) do you support? What cause (s) do you believe in enough to invest your time, resources, and prayers in? Where does the cause of Christ rate among the causes-if any-you support? Share your thoughts.

What Difference Does it Make?

"What difference does it make" has become a well known question in recent months. Depending on your viewpoint it can either ask us to be focused on right now or, for some, be viewed as an attempt to miniaturize an issue, belief, or question. On this question you be the judge and jury of what the right answer is. It used to matter what Christians believed, how they lived, and how they were viewed. The effects of Judeo-Christian beliefs were seen and felt in schools, the workplace, and in Hollywood. In view of prominent government officials, media moguls, and corporate denizens advancing their collective platforms of change, what has happened to the Christian message? Where are the Christian values once espoused in days gone by by our schools and media, and practiced in the market place? More importantly, what difference does it make?

Does it make a difference when religious tolerance ends with Christians and Jews? Does it make a difference when the egg of a bald eagle, our nation's symbol, has more rights than those of an unborn child? Does it make a difference when the color of man's skin matters more than the content of his character? Does it make a difference when a handout is viewed as an entitlement? Does it make a difference when churches compromise their message, rather then change their methods to keep the next generation?

I believe that the answer to each of these questions is a resounding "Yes!" "Yes" is the easy part. The hard part is what are we, as followers of Jesus Christ,  doing about it? What are we doing to make a difference in and to a dying, decaying world we live in? If nothing, then why? If not now, then when? I'm going to share some answers on my next post. In the meantime I'd like to hear from you, to hear what you have to say about us making a difference.

What are some ways you can make-or are making-a difference? Your sharing may make a difference in someone else also becoming a difference.

What's Your Standard?

Outside of Washington, DC sits the National Institute of Science and Technology, better known as NIST. Here numerous calibration devices are housed, including one particular atomic clock. This clock serves as America's source of time. Originally known as the National Bureau of Standards, the agency is the source for lengths, weights, and many other calibrations. Our lives also need standards to live by. A life devoid of standards is a life tossed to and fro at the whim of circumstances.  This kind of life has no purpose to fulfill.  Purposes without standards cannot thrive in any country, culture, or community.

Lots of standards vie for our attention. From "Do your own thing" to "My way, or the highway", standards of varying degrees of commitment are there for the taking, With one exception standards change depending on situations, social demands, and past experience (s). That one exception is the Bible, God's written Word. The B-I-B-L-E.

What's your standard? What is the measuring stick for your life? By what standard is your time, work, socializing, and spending calibrated? Is it what feels good, what worked yesterday, or is your personal standard a work in progress? If not already, have you examined God's Word to see how it can be the standard for your life? For your today, tomorrow, and forever.

God's Word works in every country, culture, and circumstance. It doesn't matter what your background or present circumstances are-God's Word works. God's Word is the one standard everyone can truly live by. In any neighborhood, village, shelter, and locality. On both sides of the tracks, God's Word works. All the time. Every inch along God's path for you.

Our job is to find out what God is saying to us now, then see His Word working in us. A good way to find is by starting with the basics.

For those interested in learning the basics of the Christian life I have written Born To Win: A Study Course for the New Believer. This easy-to-read book is for first-time Christians, as well as those who would like to "brush up" on the basics. No matter how long you've been a believer, the basics will never get old. Timeless standards.

This book retails for $9.99, plus shipping. For a limited time you can purchase as many copies of this helpful book for just $ 5.00, including shipping, while supplies last. Orders must be prepaid by check or money order. Mail orders to: Hubert Gardner Ministries; P.O. Box 35373; Tulsa, OK 74153.  Offer good in U.S. only. Those outside the U.S. are encouraged to purchase the digital version on either Kindle or iBooks.

How would you define your standard? How long have you had it? How well is it working for you, at this time of your life? Discuss.