Spiritual Growth

When It’s Good to be Behind

Being behind carries a negative connotation of something happening that’s not good, such as any or all of the following: Behind in paying bills; behind in school; behind in getting ready for _______

You can add your own to this list, but you get the picture. Being behind is never a positive in today’s world. Or is it? Could there be an instance when it’s actually good to be behind?

The Bible, in Proverbs 3:5-6, tells us to trust in God with all of our heart, rather than our own (human reasoning). In all of our ways we are to acknowledge-recognize-God, and He will direct us.

No doubt every Christian wants God to lead, but how often do we either get so far ahead of God that we wonder where God went or get so far behind that “catching” up seems fruitless?

God’s way is for us to trust Him with not only His Plan for our lives, but each step along the way. Trusting Him with how to get to the destination is just as-if not more-important than knowing what God has for each of us.

If we’re out in front of God, we might not notice when He turns off the “road” we think He should still be on. Conversely, we could be so far behind Him that we missed seeing the “turn” He just made. 

God’s best is that we let Him lead, following close enough behind where we can see where He’s going. This is when it’s good to be behind. This is when there’s no chance of being left behind.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2018-2024

What Time is Now?

Not what time is it now but, what time is now? Does “now” have a time? If so, what is it?

According to the Bible, faith is always now. There’s nothing past or future about faith. Jesus Himself said that when we pray for something (Mark 11:24) we are to believe that we receive the answer when we pray-then we’ll receive it in the future, whatever it is that we simply believed that we received when we prayed.

Once you receive the answer (i.e. finances, healing, job) you can stop believing-you’ll know it. You’ll have the finances in your hands, healing verified in your body; you’ll be working at your job. But faith is always now, never later, as is the case with hope.

As someone has said, there’s no such thing as later-on faith.

There are times when I’m tempted to look too much to the future. How long will it be until_______________? This recently happened, where I started to think about how many hours until my work week was over. To help keep my focus on the moment, the following phrase came to me: “now o’clock.” That, to me, was from God, spoken to my heart by His Holy Spirit.

God certainly cares about the future, but our focus is to be where we are right now, for what we say and do now creates our future. Focusing on now o’clock has helped me to major on right now, forgetting the past and trusting the future to God.

If, like me, you’ve been tempted to look too much to the future-or past-perhaps now o’clock will help your focus to be on your now.

What time is now? Day or night, it’s always now o’clock.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2018-2024

God's New Year's Resolutions

With a new year many have already made New Year's resolutions. Ranging from dieting to meeting new friends, resolutions represent change. Regardless of how many New Year's resolutions are actually kept, some are adamant about this year's batch of resolutions because.....people want to change. But, what about God? Does He have any New Year's resolutions for this-or any-year? If so, what are they?

The truth is that God doesn't make New Year resolutions for this-or any other-year. The reason why is that resolutions are about change, and God never changes (Malachi 3:6).  Since God is always the same, you can count on Him to be the same this year as last-or any year for that matter. God is the same right now as He was whenever the beginning began, the coming of Jesus, or a minute ago. My friend, that's good news.

Not only is God the same (Hebrews 13:8), but He's always willing to help us change to be more like Him. To not want to change is to be satisfied with the present situation. I don't know about you, but I want to change, because I need to. I'm not nearly satisfied with where I'm at in my walk with God, are you?

While I'm changing this year I invite you to do the same. Even if you've already written down New Year's resolutions, ask God to show you that area or areas needing changing. God might surprise you by pointing out an area that seems insignificant, yet making that change may bring success to the rest of your life. Nothing's too small for God's help.

I can do this-we can do this. And watch God have His way with the results.

Happy New Year, to each of you following my posts. It's going to be a year like no other.

War of Two Worlds

The War of the Worlds, written by H.G. Wells, narrates our world being invaded by aliens from Mars. For those who have never read the classic, I won't reveal the invasion results, nor how the book ends. The War of the Worlds is, of course, purely fiction. There is, however a very real war between two worlds that has been going on for a very long time. It's the war between the words of God'a world, and the words of the devil, God's enemy, and his world.

Both worlds are equally real. One is a world of light, love, and life. The other is the exact opposite: a world of darkness, fear, and death. Each world wants everyone to live in its kingdom, its realm. And each world is using words to achieve its purpose. Not just any words, but rather the words of its creator.

This war of two worlds is being fought, not with swords or guns or bombs, but with tongues, with words. Words of life versus words of death. Words of health versus those of sickness. Both worlds' words are available to all to speak; both worlds' words are spoken by the choice of the one doing the speaking.

In the Bible, the book of Proverbs  has much to say about the effect of words:

Proverbs 4:22 tells us that God's words are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh. The literal Hebrew renders "health" as "medicine."

Proverbs 12:18 tells us that the tongue of the wise is health. If the tongue of the wise is health, then it's wise to speak God's words of health, rather than the devil's words of sickness and disease.

Proverbs 18:12 states that death and life are in the power of the tongue. They who love it will eat the fruit of it. This tells us that those who love speaking words of death such as sickness, disease, poverty, weakness, insufficiency,  will bear death's fruit in their lives. On the other hand, those who love speaking words of life such as health, wellbeing, abundance, strength, and sufficiency, will bear life's fruit in their lives.

In the New Testament, John 6:63 records Jesus as saying that His words were spirit and life. Life, not death. The obvious conclusion is that speaking what Jesus says-what God's Word says- is crucial to us winning the war of words against the devil and his words.

Fiction aside, there is an unseen war being waged, involving every person on the earth. Again, not with swords, guns, or bombs, but with what comes out of our mouths, our words. Not just in church, but in everyday life.

I am more convinced than ever that words are more valuable than silver, gold, bank accounts, and retirement funds. Both God and the devil know this, which is why each listens to our everyday words: God, to bring to pass His words of life; the devil to bring to pass his words of death. The choice of what we speak is all ours, not God's or the devil's.

The war of the worlds never happened. The war of words is going on as I "speak."

Which side of the war of words are you on?  Comments are welcomed.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries


Where is God?

A few days ago I asked this very question to a fellow Christian, "Where is God."?" Her response was to the effect that God is with her, which is true. God is also for her, as he is for every Christian. Her answer though, is, unfortunately typical of so many Christians endeavoring to explain where God is. For a variety of reasons, too few Christians have been enlightened as to what the real answer is to the question, "Where is God?" The real answer is, for the Christian, God is not only with and for you, He's actually IN you.

Your internal organs, such as stomach, pancreas, and heart, are called that because they're in you. Not just with you, but IN you. What a difference in knowing that all of your internal organs are in you, functioning according to God's design.

In the same manner, as much as I'm thankful that God is for and with me, I'm infinitely more thankful that He is IN me, in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Hearing others talk about God being in them is wonderful. Knowing this truth for myself, however, is changing my own life, knowing that the Living God, the Creator of the Universe, the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, has taken up permanent residence in my heart, my spirit. The same spirit that God used to raise up Jesus from the dead is IN you, me, and every other Christian on planet Earth.

So, where is God? He's in every Christian, through the New Birth, when a person confesses Jesus as his/her Lord out of a believing heart. And He's in them to stay.

Whether due to lack of teaching or overlooking this truth, the person's response to my question, "Where is God?," is what drives me to get this vital truth into people's lives, including knowing where God is. Knowing that, no matter the situation you may be facing, God is in you, will change your outlook on life.

"God is in me."  Say this to yourself. Begin to see yourself this way (because it's the truth) until this truth becomes real in your own heart. Because it's then-and only then-that knowing where God is will change your life.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024

By Another Name

Joseph Levitch died in 2017. In case that name doesn't ring a bell, perhaps the name Jerry Lewis will. Yes, the famous actor and television personality's birth name was Joseph Levitch. Christians have received a new name-actually more than one-from the moment of their rebirth. I'm not talking about a new earthly name; I'm talking about something new from God, our Heavenly Father. I'm talking about something the world can neither give nor take away. I'm talking about something that's eternal, as in forever.

When you, as a Christian, became a child of God, through Jesus Christ, God had new names for you. one being Redeemed. According to the Bible you're a partaker of God's redemption that's in Christ, our Redeemer (Colossians 1:14). Redeemed; yes that's you.

God calls you righteous. That means you have the ability to stand before Him without fear, condemnation, or intimidation. Not because what you have done, but because of what Jesus did for you, through His death, burial, resurrection, and seating.

Redeemed,  righteous, to name but a few other names.  What God says about you is what you ought to be saying about yourself, because God never lies-so it's the truth.

You didn't change your earthly name when you became a Christian, but now God is calling you by other names: Redeemed, righteous, heir, delivered, victorious, healed, strong,  Take your pick; they're all good,. And they all belong to you.

No matter what someone may say about you remember this: God doesn't see you as merely John, Sandra, Frank, or Hubert. He sees you by another name, the name belonging to someone so close to His heart that He can't stop thinking about this person.

That person is you. And me. All of us, together and individually, by another name.

Something good to know for yourself, to then share with someone you know., as God leads you.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024


The Most Valuable Commodity

By definition, a commodity is something useful or valued. It's often found as a product or a service. Today's post focuses on the word "commodity" as a product, specifically words. That's right, words; things we use to communicate information on an everyday basis. Some commodities are better known, like gold, silver, and oil. Some are small, such as corn or wheat. but none are as valuable as words. Allow me to explain.

Motivational speakers get paid to do what? To speak words which are designed to inform and/or inspire their audiences to more productive thinking, action, and results. Results which, hopefully, profit both the sponsoring company (ies), as well as those listening.

Top motivational speakers command six-figure fees for hour-long speeches. No stunts, tricks, or personality (well, maybe some),   Motivational speakers motivate with words.

W O R D S.

What changed people's lives during Jesus's earthly ministry was not His looks, personality, or where He liked to go shopping; it was His words. Jesus said the following:

"By your words you'll be justified, or condemned." -Matthew 12:37

"You'll have what you say, out of a believing heart" -Mark 11:23 (my paraphrase)

Wind was stilled, bodies healed, and false doctrine corrected. Not with what was written, but said. Words of authority, power, and ability.  And life.

Words of life. Both Proverbs 4:20 and the words of Jesus, in John 6:63, tell us that God's words are life. Not mere mortal manuscripts of collective philosophy, but LIFE. Speaking God's words is speaking life (Proverbs 18:21)  and health (Proverbs 12:18),

Those who understand the value of their words (eventually) become invaluable to those around them. Speaking for myself, I'd much rather have someone around speaking words of life, health, encouragement-something uplifting, then hearing words of doom, gloom, agony and despair-the usual fare of the evening news. And most conversations.

Words are a result of choice. We choose to speak what others will be hearing. Will our words be cheap sounds of despair, disease-even death, or the most valuable commodity on earth: words of life, peace, victory, success, health, and wisdom, just like God's words?

Speaking words of value won't pay you a six-figure fee every time you open your mouth. But something far more valuable can happen: you can change a life, starting with yours.

Yes, words are the most valuable commodity in existence. How much are yours worth?

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024

Watch Where You're Stepping

For those unfamiliar with cow and horse pastures, both species "do their business", whenever the occasion arises, resulting in the fall of manure upon the ground. Regardless of what you're wearing it pays to watch where you're stepping. The same is true in life. There's a lot of "stuff" that can fall along our life's path, things which the devil wants us to step in, so to speak,  things which God wants us to avoid. The only way to avoid the devil's messes is to watch where we're stepping, taking corrective action whenever necessary. So, how do we do this? How do we keep our steps clean?

Psalms 37:23 states that the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord. In other words God has a plan for each person to fulfill, one planned step at a time. God never shows His whole plan to anyone, He reveals it one step at a time, expecting us to trust Him step by step. This is faith: taking the step you know to take without knowing where it will lead.

As I mentioned earlier the devil has "stuff" he wants us to step in along our way. Stuff like sickness, disease, poverty, unforgiveness, strife, doubt, and pride. None of these are good; none come from God. Being all wise, all of God's (wise) ways are ways of pleasantness; all of wisdom's paths are peace. Not always easy; not always simple.

Life isn't easy, nor is it always fair. God's ways, stepping where He says to, will sometimes seem too hard or just not worth it. Remember this, though: God always provides the way-the steps if you will-to accomplish His plan for your life. What may seem to be impossible to you may be the very step that God wants you to take, trusting Him to show you each next step, Yes, your shoes may stink at times, but God will clean you as you go, plus provide everything you need, including the right footwear.

If we're not careful, we can get sidetracked from the steps God has ordered for us. Steps which start out more convenient can quickly turn to regret. If this is you, don't go another step. Ask God to forgive you for stepping away from His path, then show you where/how to get back to walking in the step He's ordered (prepared) for you to walk in.

Watching where you're stepping doesn't mean ignoring what's around you. It means not letting anyone or anything keep you from being focused on stepping where/when God says, from walking in the way He wants you to go.

So, what's your next step? If you don't know, ask God to show you. If you do know, be obedient to to take it, trusting God with the outcome. And watch where you're stepping.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2017-2024