
Promise or Provision?

Growing up I always had a roof over my head, food to eat, and a bed to sleep in. My parents didn't ever have to promise me the basics of life; they had already provided them. It was then up to me to go inside, eat what was set before me, and sleep in the bed provided me. My parents, like so many others, made promises to me. If I did what they asked, certain things they promised came to pass in my life. Picking dandelions, for instance, resulted in a promised nickel. With so many dandelions to pick, hard work resulted in the promised coins coming to pass in my hands, once my hands were clean after digging up those pesky dandelions.

God has promises and provision for all, regardless of age, gender, or ethnic background. As with both illustrations given, there's a difference between a promise and a provision. Let's take a look at each, starting with a provision.

God's provision is something already made available, such as salvation. When a person desires to become saved, a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), Jesus doesn't die, again, on the Cross. No God's part, through Jesus, is done. Provision has made for every person-past, present, and future-to be saved, to become a child of God. It's a matter of believing what God has done and declaring it to be true in that person's life.

God also makes promises. Example: God promises to bless those who'll honor Him with their finances, by tithing (Malachi 3:10). Those who give above and beyond the tithe have a promise of a return on their giving (Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-10).  Unlike His provision,  however, God's promises are conditional. In this case, God's part takes place once ours is done. With tithing,  God's blessing occurs after we tithe. Every time.

It would be sad, actually, if food was placed before a hungry boy who then asked his mother for something to eat. Here, provision has been made; all the child needs to do is  use his fork to receive the food, and eat it. Even if it's broccoli. Provision, not promise.

On the other hand, a person wanting income needs to first work before getting paid. The employer promises to pay the worker after the condition of so many hours of work has been met. No work, no pay. That's a promise, not a provision.

A lot things well-intended Christians are asking God for have already  been provided. Things like love (Romans 5:5), power (2 Timothy 1:7), and strength (Psalm 27:1; Ephesians 6:10)  have already been provided to every Christian. On the other hand, wisdom is something to ask for (James 1:5).

As you can readily see, there's a difference between God's provision and His promises. God's promises are always conditional; His provision is unconditional. Understanding whether something from God is a promise or provision is making a difference in my life. If not already, I know it can make one in yours as well.





The Value of Your Testimony

Not every Christian is called to preach from a platform, to children or youth, or on the mission field. Not everyone is gifted to regularly speak in front of groups of people. Every Christian, however, has something so valuable, yet often overlooked: their personal testimony of what God did for them to bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ. Since no two testimonies are alike, what you have to share will vary, in some measure, from what others have to say.

What is a testimony? A testimony is testifying (telling) to what God has done in someone's life. It usually includes sharing how that person came into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. It can include what God is now doing in that person's life, as well as what differences God has made, since becoming that person's Heavenly Father.

Everyone Christian has a testimony, whether it has ever been shared with someone or not. Everyone who values his/her salvation experience has a testimony worth sharing. Everyone includes you, whether you think it's valuable or not.

What God has done in your life is valuable to God and, hopefully, to you. Jesus paid the ultimate price for your salvation (with His Blood). Now that's something worth sharing.

I was part of the so-called Jesus Movement, that started in the late 1960s. Even though I never killed killed anyone, never spent time in jail (by the grace of God), took drugs, or engaged in premarital sex, I was still a sinner in need of a Savior. Once saved, I got around other Christians, some who had been through some "stuff." While attending a Christian school, I heard numerous students tell of how God delivered them out of this or that lifestyle. What a thrill to see a life redeemed from sin and washed clean for Jesus.

Unfortunately, there was a tendency to "rate" testimonies: the darker the other life, the more glorious the testimony. Delivered from drugs, promiscuity, and satanic worship? Praise God. Been a Christian since as far back as you can remember? That's nice. Ho hum.

Regardless of that former life, your testimony is valuable to more people than you think. Someone is waiting to hear what God has done in your life. Your personal testimony is often more easily related to than many sermons and is, hopefully, shorter.

So, what's your testimony? What has God, through Jesus Christ, done for you? Are you willing, as opportunity arises, to share your (brief) testimony? Then ask God for opportunities, and always be ready to tell what the Lord has done for you.

Sharing your testimony with this ministry might be a way to get started. You can share your testimony with us at: info@hubertgardner.org. I'd certainly like to read yours.

To Purge or Prune, That is the Question

Most Christians, at some point in their Christian walk, have heard someone say something about purging and/or pruning. For some it was part of a sermon; for others it was the whole message. For those who have never heard anyone ever say anything about either p word, keep living; your time is coming. Over the years I've heard more than one message about pruning; many involving purging. Both words can be seen as being negative words, but with different purposes, with vastly different outcomes. Let's take a brief look at both words, their purposes, and when to incorporate each or both in our lives. Let's start with purging.

The word purge means to remove, get rid of; to eliminate. Applied to our walk with God it means to examine our lives and remove, get rid of, and eliminate those thoughts, words, actions, and areas contrary to God's Word. These would include areas such as hatred, anger, lust, unforgiveness, and fear. Definite areas of purging here.

To prune means to cut back, cut off, to reduce (such as branches on a tree or plant) to improve shape or growth. One exception to this definition is the use of prune juice in the encouragement of,  shall we say,  elimination. I'll move on.

Purging is for total elimination, while pruning is cutting back to bring new growth. Example: television time. There's nothing wrong with watching some television, including an occasional sports program. But if you're watching hour upon hour of television-even Christian programs-it's time to prune. It's time to cut back/reduce-time spent in front of those square inches of (mostly) entertainment and invest it in doing something of more value, like spending time in improving your own life. Spend more time working to achieving your dreams than watching others live out theirs. 

How about consistently praying for others, including your pastor, or learning what those Sunday School lessons were really about? What about calling someone to give encouragement?  Cleaning your office-especially if it's in your home-could prove helpful in more ways than one. Improving life, starting with a clean room.

There are lots of ways to spend an additional hour or so a day that's been freed up by pruning back time with that one-eyed monster some call a television. Look around. Ask God to show you areas needing to be pruned. Him showing you is the easy part; doing what God says takes more effort-but it's worth it.

I can think of a few areas in my life needing purging; more needing pruning. What about you? What are some areas in your life needing some pruning? Maybe, just maybe, there's something that requires actual purging. Ask God to show areas needing adjustment, then trust Him to guide you in the process of either pruning or purging.



 © Hubert Gardner Ministries 2016-2024

"Catch and Release" Christianity

Fishing regulations vary from state to state-even from one lake or river to another. Some fishing spots allow a limit of how many fish can be taken, while others enforce a regulation known as "catch and release." This means that whatever fish one catches must be released back into the water; none can be taken and eaten. I'm concerned that this practice of catch and release has carried over into the church world. New converts-new followers of Christ-are too often tossed back into the world, without much, if any, followup. Little or no followup leaves churches and other well-intended ministries with, often, many converts but few disciples.

Jesus never commanded us believers to make converts; He commissioned us to make disciples. There's a difference.

Why isn't more emphasis placed upon biblical, grace-based, discipleship? Perhaps because it's time consuming. Along with having a plan, it requires people and patience.

Over the last 45 years millions have been converted to Christ. I was one of them. Some were celebrities-at least in public. Actors, singers, well-known public figures-at least to some; these were reported to have made professions of Christ. Thank God for all who come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, those in the public eye who come to Christ are all-to-often released back into the environment from which they sought refuge. Rather than given a foundation of God's Word, many celebrity converts were paraded as trophies for Christ, as part of a particular church or other ministry.

Classic "catch and release" Christianity.

Sadly, many of those caught and released converts have grown cold towards God and Christianity. On the other hand those who received a biblical foundation are, for the most part, serving Christ today. Chuck Colson, aide to former President Nixon and well-known Watergate figure, is one example of converts becoming disciples.

We can do more to turn converts into disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ. One way this ministry is addressing this need is by offering brief presentations of foundational truth, called LifeChange. These free episodes are available on our website, at hubertgardner.org. I invite you to check them out for yourself, then share them with someone else needing the basics.

What are some things you are doing to strengthen new believers, turning them from converts to disciples?

Are We Using or Losing Them? Part 2

Continuing our previous post, Are We Using or Losing Them? Part 1: Even in the secular workplace a new addition usually has immediate access to secured databases, protocols, and information tools necessary to doing his/her job. Why not the Church? Why must young people be required to wait to serve in the local church? What are we afraid of? Is it that the "newcomers" will show us up? Will that "new kid on the block" intimidate us older ones with a skill knowledge we can only dream of? Are we serving with a clean heart or to establish "job security?" When will the Church learn that if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted?

Perhaps your church has it all together. The Church as a whole, however, is in desperate need of change. Many of the people coming to your church-especially your youth/young adults-want to be used now, not months or years down the road. If not used now they may not be around months or years from now. Serving on a regular basis is a biblical reason to keep coming.

People make mistakes; it would be a mistake to have someone who's tone deaf run your sound system . After 30+ years of ministry, however, the greater mistake I see is not using the people you have who are waiting to serve right now, especially our youth/young adults. Can the Church really afford to let more young people observe the waters of opportunity, without letting them drink (serve) responsibly? Can the Church really afford to not change? If we don't how many of our talented children will be lost to the devil (and they will) because we were too arrogant, too proud, to afraid, or too stuck to change?

Some say that today's youth are tomorrow's leaders,  the church of tomorrow. Using that line of thinking, what is the minimum age of today's church? At what age will tomorrow's church be eligible for admission into today's? With the church of tomorrow is there, of necessity, the church of yesterday? Who decides who's too young-or too old?

At what point does the next generation become the current generation?

Do the words above describe your church, or merely a perception of the Church at large? What do you see as the answer? Let us know what you have experienced along these lines.

Are We Using or Losing Them? Part 1

Most Christians-specifically youth/young adults-want to serve in their local church. Along with zeal, knowledge, and passion, they want to use their time, gifts, and talents to advance the cause of Christ, if only given the chance. Far too often, however,  churches have a waiting period before allowing "newcomers" to serve in any capacity. The explanation by these churches is it allows leaders to evaluate character, observe faithfulness, and judge whether that (particularly if young) person's skills are both authentic, and relevant to the position that person desires to serve in.

Valid points, for sure.

At the same time, what does one do when the "new kid on the block" knows more than the leadership? As a lifeguard, how many people will drown before you let a qualified (but non-certified) swimmer rescue those you just couldn't get to? Would Michelangelo be forced to go through a paint-by-numbers class before he paints your ceiling?

Does this sound like your church, or one you know of? Check out our next post, Are We Using or Losing Them? Part 2, as we continue to address this issue within the church world.

Fathom This Mystery

Every woman is a mystery. No matter how old you are, how long you guys have been married, or how wise you think you are, there will always be an element of mystery to women. Having been married to my wife for over 35 years, I know this to be a fact. In another 35 years Pamela will still have an element of mystery about her. Ladies, that doesn't mean that you've figured out the male species; I'm simply acknowledging a fact about women. The Bible is also a mystery-specifically the Epistles, letters written to the churches. What's the big mystery? One mystery is how God is able to actually live inside of us, as Christians. How does God do this? Through the Person of the Holy Spirit. You can see that from reading the books such as Ephesians, and Colossians. For instance, in Colossians 1:27 Paul, the writer of this letter to the church at Colosse, clearly states that this mystery is "Christ in you...." Christ in you. Okay, how? By the Holy Spirit. Ah, now that's the mysterious part: Christ is in me, through the Holy Spirit.

Ponder that truth for a moment: Christ is in YOU. An astounding statement, but not too good to be true. It's true, because God said it. It's up to us to believe it and act like it's so, even when we don't fully understand it.

Don't try to figure out how this is done. It's always somewhat of a mystery how God does what He does. Instead of hurting your mind by trying to figure this all out, just accept it by faith. Remember, you don't have to understand something to have it working for your benefit. I don't understand how a bumblebee flies, do you? The fact that its wings are too short for its body  doesn't stop the bumblebee from flying, or pollinating my wife's flowers.

In secular mystery books the mysteries are hidden FROM us. With the Bible, the mystery is hidden TO us. It's there for us to receive, believe, and achieve in our individual lives.

I love reading about this mystery that God has revealed to us in His Word,  something for our hearts to meditate on and put into practice.

Don't you love it when you're part of a mystery that's in your favor? How has this post changed how you see yourself as a Christian?

What's In Your Mouth?

A well-known credit card issuer asks the now-familiar question, "What's in your wallet", as part of its ad campaign. A more telling question for us is, "What's in your mouth?".  I'm not talking about teeth or gums; I'm talking about your words. Why is this? What's so important about the words you say?

The Bible has much to say about the importance of our words. The Bible says this about words:

1. Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Proverbs 18:21

2. Jesus said we'd have what we say, out of a believing heart.  Mark 11:23

3. With our tongue we either bless or curse.   James 3:8-10

These verses demonstrate the importance of speaking right words. Does this mean going around saying nothing but Bible verses? No, what I am saying is that your everyday words are important; what you say on a daily basis really matters.

Some things people say, without regard to their content:

1. "That just tickles me to death"

2. "Over my dead body"

3. Concerning "flu" season, "I'll probably be the first to get it"

No one really wants to be tickled to death. No one really wants to die over some dispute. No one really wants to get the flu, at any time. Do you?

Friend, no intelligent person would want even one of these sayings to really happen in his/her life. When we learn the value of our everyday words we won't be saying hurtful words; we'll be saying things like, "I'm free from the curse of sickness-I'll never have the flu"-and so on.

If you knew that everything you said would come to pass, what changes would you make to what you're saying? If you're used to saying negative things, what's keeping you from changing to saying positive words, starting right now?

What's in your mouth? Words of life or death? Health or sickness?  Success or failure? Prosperity or poverty? Perhaps it's time for a verbal "checkup?" on your everyday words. Learning to watch what you say will make a difference in your everyday life.

What change(s) can you make in what you're saying? Do you think it will be easy or a challenge? Either way, it will be worth the change(s).