Are We Using or Losing Them? Part 2

Continuing our previous post, Are We Using or Losing Them? Part 1: Even in the secular workplace a new addition usually has immediate access to secured databases, protocols, and information tools necessary to doing his/her job. Why not the Church? Why must young people be required to wait to serve in the local church? What are we afraid of? Is it that the "newcomers" will show us up? Will that "new kid on the block" intimidate us older ones with a skill knowledge we can only dream of? Are we serving with a clean heart or to establish "job security?" When will the Church learn that if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted?

Perhaps your church has it all together. The Church as a whole, however, is in desperate need of change. Many of the people coming to your church-especially your youth/young adults-want to be used now, not months or years down the road. If not used now they may not be around months or years from now. Serving on a regular basis is a biblical reason to keep coming.

People make mistakes; it would be a mistake to have someone who's tone deaf run your sound system . After 30+ years of ministry, however, the greater mistake I see is not using the people you have who are waiting to serve right now, especially our youth/young adults. Can the Church really afford to let more young people observe the waters of opportunity, without letting them drink (serve) responsibly? Can the Church really afford to not change? If we don't how many of our talented children will be lost to the devil (and they will) because we were too arrogant, too proud, to afraid, or too stuck to change?

Some say that today's youth are tomorrow's leaders,  the church of tomorrow. Using that line of thinking, what is the minimum age of today's church? At what age will tomorrow's church be eligible for admission into today's? With the church of tomorrow is there, of necessity, the church of yesterday? Who decides who's too young-or too old?

At what point does the next generation become the current generation?

Do the words above describe your church, or merely a perception of the Church at large? What do you see as the answer? Let us know what you have experienced along these lines.