
Run, Run, Run

The 1951 World Series featured competing rookies, such as Mickey Mantle of the New York Yankees and Willie Mays of the New York Giants. Veteran Joe DiMaggio was finishing his illustrious career with the Yankees. Along with his powerful bat, Joe possessed a great throwing arm. Unknown to players and fans alike, however, Joe's once mighty right arm was mighty no more. Early in the Series an opposing runner was considering advancing on a fly ball hit to DiMaggio. Joe made a strong throw to his teammate, preventing the runner from advancing. In doing so Joe threw his arm out, rendering his once-powerful arm useless. Opposing players, not knowing this, failed to take advantage of DiMaggio's weakened condition the rest of the Series. Seeing one great throw reinforced runners' perception of Joe having a great arm.

Too many people, including Christians, perceive the devil to have power (authority) he no longer has. Like the once-mighty Joe DiMaggio, the devil has hoodwinked folks into thinking he can do something he is now powerless to do.

Had opposing runners known the truth about Joe DiMaggio's arm, they would have fearlessly run at will against their adversary. Satan, our once-feared adversary, was completely defeated by Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago. Jesus's victory was then credited to us, as though we had won, which we have, in God's eyes. Now we can fearlessly advance against the devil, with the knowledge that he can't stop us from winning every game, so to speak, in life.

The next time the devil roars at you, run towards him. Run at the fear, the doubt, and the unbelief that comes from satan. He can't stop you from winning in life any more than Joe DiMaggio could stop even the slowest opponent from advancing.

What is it that the devil is trying to keep you from achieving? Salvation? Healing? Financial needs being met? Wholesome relationships? You can learn more about what Jesus has done for you through our book, Born To Win, available through Kindle or iBooks.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2013-2024

What's In Your Mouth?

A well-known credit card issuer asks the now-familiar question, "What's in your wallet", as part of its ad campaign. A more telling question for us is, "What's in your mouth?".  I'm not talking about teeth or gums; I'm talking about your words. Why is this? What's so important about the words you say?

The Bible has much to say about the importance of our words. The Bible says this about words:

1. Death and life are in the power of the tongue.  Proverbs 18:21

2. Jesus said we'd have what we say, out of a believing heart.  Mark 11:23

3. With our tongue we either bless or curse.   James 3:8-10

These verses demonstrate the importance of speaking right words. Does this mean going around saying nothing but Bible verses? No, what I am saying is that your everyday words are important; what you say on a daily basis really matters.

Some things people say, without regard to their content:

1. "That just tickles me to death"

2. "Over my dead body"

3. Concerning "flu" season, "I'll probably be the first to get it"

No one really wants to be tickled to death. No one really wants to die over some dispute. No one really wants to get the flu, at any time. Do you?

Friend, no intelligent person would want even one of these sayings to really happen in his/her life. When we learn the value of our everyday words we won't be saying hurtful words; we'll be saying things like, "I'm free from the curse of sickness-I'll never have the flu"-and so on.

If you knew that everything you said would come to pass, what changes would you make to what you're saying? If you're used to saying negative things, what's keeping you from changing to saying positive words, starting right now?

What's in your mouth? Words of life or death? Health or sickness?  Success or failure? Prosperity or poverty? Perhaps it's time for a verbal "checkup?" on your everyday words. Learning to watch what you say will make a difference in your everyday life.

What change(s) can you make in what you're saying? Do you think it will be easy or a challenge? Either way, it will be worth the change(s).

Protect Your Identity

Identity theft. It's a problem that's growing in our world today. Television, print, and social media warn of the problem and apparent ease of identity theft. What is identity theft? Identity theft is the act of assuming the identity of another for financial and/or other benefit (s). This usually takes place in the form of stolen identification cards,  as well as credit/debit cards,  The victim's assets are often stolen and a good name ruined by the perpetrator's malicious deed. Those who have suffered at the hands of an identity thief know full well the hurt, harm, and anger experienced from this experience. In some cases lives are negatively affected for years, even life.

The worst identity thief is the devil. How so? Because the devil goes around seeking to rob us of our true identity, in Christ. This means who we are in the sight of God,  Jesus purchased for us a standing with God, as new creatures in Christ. Regardless of our background-murderer, porn star, thief, atheist, or religious church goer, being a Christian means having a new identity, in Christ.

Our identity includes being overcomers, more than conquerors through Christ, and righteous in sight of God, This is what the devil tries to steal from us. The Bible says that the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). One way is by trying to steal the knowledge of who we are, in Christ. Satan tries to get us to see ourselves as unworthy, weak, poor, and sickly-unfit to do anything for God. Those who listen to the devil's lies aren't living the life God sees them having,  in Christ. That's identity theft of the worst kind.

You can't stop the devil from trying to steal your identity, in Christ, but you can surely stop him from succeeding.  The Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7). Don't let the devil take what belongs to you. Who you are, in Christ, is the real you. The devil knows that better than you. This is why he works so hard to prevent you from learning the truth of who you really are, or steal what knowledge you already have.

Protect your God-given identity with more diligence than you do with your physical identity.

Can you identity with this post? If so, in what way?

Is tolerance acceptance?

Some things remain the same: the sun rises in the east, setting in the west. Roosters crow, babies cry, and too many potholes remain to be fixed. On the other hand, some things have changed in meaning. For instance, the word awful. Upon gazing at the famous Cathedral of Notre Dame, the king of France reportedly exclaimed, "My God, it's awful." When the Cathedral was completed in the 13th century the word awful meant full-of-awe, just as the word beautiful means full-of-beauty. Over the years the word awful has come to mean something bad; terrible-a far cry from full-of-awe. Unfortunately, the same is true concerning tolerance and acceptance. Once upon a time tolerance meant putting up with, without agreement, without acceptance of what's being tolerated. Not so now. Society, as a whole,  has shifted to holding tolerance and acceptance as synonymous terms. In other words, to tolerate means to accept; to be intolerant is to not accept. But, is this really true? Is tolerance acceptance?

According to the Bible we are to love the sinner, while hating the sin. Jesus did. He told the woman caught in the very act of adultery to go and sin no more (John 8:3-11). Jesus wasn't accepting what the woman did as alright-He called it sin. What Jesus did was not condemn the woman (verse 11)-and neither should we-when confronting sin. Like Jesus we tolerate the person, not the sin. We shouldn't tolerate sin in our own lives, either.

The world's view of tolerance is accept everything which they think is OK. If you don't, you're being intolerant. At the same time, those "preaching" tolerance are the most  intolerant of them all, for they are intolerant of Christians, those standing for Biblical principles of absolute truth. More and more, the world is growing increasingly intolerant and unaccepting of anyone who opposes what they believe.

Is tolerance acceptance? Not according to the Bible no, in reality, according to what the world shows towards those with differing views. Without agreeing,  I practice tolerance towards those with viewpoints contrary to the Bible. I don't agree with them, but I don't force my viewpoint on them. My manner of life speaks louder than my words. Does yours?

How about you? Is tolerance acceptance, in your life? How do you practice tolerance, without acceptance of that with which you disagree?

Where's your identification?

I flew on a few business trips last year. Each time I checked in I was required to present valid identification.  As I went through security I also had to show my ticket-proof that I was a passenger that day. Had I not already had my proof of identification out, ready to be shown, a valid question to me would have been, "Where's your identification?". Without it I wouldn't have flown. Identification. It's proof of who we are. Whether it's a driver's license, passport, student ID card, or other valid form, we live in a time where much emphasis is put on who we are. Things like opening up a bank account, obtaining a passport, or buying a house-in each case proof of identification is required. Renting a car? You'll be asked to show proof of identification.

Identification is even more important where spiritual things are concerned. As Christians we've been placed into Christ-into the family of God. We've been given new identification papers, so to speak. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 the Bible says that if any (person) be in Christ he is a new creature. Literally, this means that a new species of being has been created in you. If you're a Christan, there's a new "you" in you that wasn't there before. Your identification is now with Christ, not the devil and his crowd. You're under God's dominion, not Satan's.

Spiritually speaking we've been given new identities. We have new identification papers, so to speak, within the pages of the New Testament-specifically the Epistles, letters written to Christians. Examples are the books of Ephesians and Colossians. Each book paints a vivid picture of the believer's new identification with Christ, focusing on that person's  rights and privileges, in Christ.

It was some years after I became a Christan before I learned of my real identity, as a follower of Jesus Christ. I struggles to know who I was in life, my purpose, and my destiny. Having found my true identity I know who I really am. I move about in total security, without fear of detection. When the devil tries to bring up something from my life before Christ I show him my identification papers-God's Word-proving my identity in Christ. That's my true position-in Christ. Knowing my true identity affects my thinking, believing, words, and actions, on a daily basis.

Where's your identification? Is it in the natural things of this world, or in Christ? How important is it to be secure in who you really are, where your true identity lies?

Dry Water

Over the years I've been to a lot of swimming pools, spending many summer hours enjoying doing laps, or simply cooling off.  All of those pools had something in common: in each case the water was wet. In today's post I want to use the relationship between water and wet to make a point about our relationship with Jesus Christ.

When a person receives salvation through Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9,10) that person becomes a part of God's Church, which the Bible refers to as the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22,23; Colossians 1:18, 24). Another way to say this is we become in Christ. To be in Christ simply means that we now have in our spirits (hearts) God's very life, nature, and ability. This is good news!

Due to religious brainwashing rather than New Testament teaching, many believers have a hard time seeing themselves as being in Christ. They want Jesus without being in Christ; however you can't have one without the other. Conversely, you can't be a Christian without also being in Christ. To have one without the other is like wanting to go swimming without being in water.

There's no such thing as dry water. If something's dry, it's not water; if it's water, it's wet. Imagine someone going to a pool and asking the lifeguard, "Where's the dry end? I want to go swimming in the dry end." Silly as that may sound that's how some Christians are with the things of God-give me Jesus, without everything He is or has done for me.

In other words, give me dry water.

I know Christians who are extreme, like some swimming pools-either shallow or off in the deep-end. At the same time, too many Christians are trying to swim in proverbial wet suits. They're sincere about swimming (knowing Christ) but just aren't sure about all that wet stuff (being in Christ).

I've been there, having Christ without knowing that I'm also in Christ, in Him. It wasn't fulfilling swimming in dry water, so I started finding out about the water of who I am, in Christ, what I have, in Christ,  and what I can do through Him. What I've learned has revolutionized my life, family, and ministry. I'm enjoying swimming in life more than ever.

No more dry water.

How's your "pool"? Is your water wet or dry? Do you see yourself in Christ, as God does? If not, why not? If so, what steps are you taking-or will you take-to enjoy your "pool" even more today?



Choice activated

More and more devices are becoming voice activated. From cell phones to cars, we are being equipped with more choices of voice-activated technology.  Voice-activated choices, if you will. Life is full of choices: where we go, what we do, what we say when we don't feel like being nice. How we live our lives is based on the choices we make on a daily-even moment-to-moment basis. When we walk into a financial institution, it's our choice whether our transaction(s) will be legal or breaking the law.  In relationships involving singles, boundaries are set by choice. We work by choice.

Events are choice activated. Do we go to the game or wash the car? Do we go to the early or late service? Which season of the year will vacation be taken? As you can see, life is about choices, choices, and more choices. We could say that life itself is choice activated.  Our choices-good or bad-determine the path our lives travel on.

The Bible has much to say about choices. In Deuteronomy 30:19 Moses set life and death, blessing  and cursing before the children of Israel. He then told them to choose life, in order that they and their descendants would live. Even though they were told what to choose, the people still had a choice to make. Remember multiple-choice tests from school? The answer was right in front you; you had to pick the right answer. Like the children of Israel, God tells us the right answer to pick in life, yet we have to do the picking; it's still our choice of what to do.

Can you imagine your teacher giving you the right answer on a test? God has done just that, telling us to choose His Word (life, blessing) over what others or our own minds are telling us to do. Yet, because we have been given the freedom of choice, we are the ones who choose what to do or say in any given situation. God is a gentleman-He won't make us do anything we don't want to, including serving Him. Like Joshua  (Joshua 24:15) we even choose who we'll serve. We, then, get to enjoy the rewards of choosing life and blessing or face the consequences of death and cursing-based choices. The choice is always ours.

Can you see how your life is really choice activated? What kind of choices are you making? How has making wise choices changed your life, even the destiny God has for you?





Is Your Angel Busy or Bored?

Angels are real. Jesus Himself said that children have their own angels, which children don't lose when they grow up. Hollywood has its own theology, portraying angels as earning wings (It's A Wonderful Life), being on probation (Highway to Heaven), or being nearly human (Touched By An Angel). Our knowledge of angels should be based on God's Word. What are angels? According to Hebrews 1:14 angels are ministering spirits sent to minister for those who are Christians those who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Some want to know what angels look like, or how they get from one place to another. I'm more interested in what they say and do, aren't you?

Angels bring answers to prayer. In Daniel 10:12 an angel brought answers to Daniel's prayers concerning the children of Israel's future.  Psalm 103:20 says that angels hearken to the voice of God's Word. What does this mean? It means that when God's Word is voiced angels obey what those spoken words are and bring them to pass. It doesn't matter who's doing the saying-a preacher, child, teenager, or God Himself-angels are focused on bringing what they hear to pass without regard to age, gender, education, or any other external factor. A three-year old speaking God's Word in faith concerning healing or finances, will have a busier angel than an adult doubting the promises of God.

A doubting Christan's angel would like to stay busy bringing God's Word to pass, but angels don't respond to doubt (the devil and his cohorts do). Picture someone's angel sitting around bored , with nothing to do. Why? Because that someone is either ignorant of or refuses to speak God's Word. On the other hand, a person with just a little bit of faith can keep his or her angel busy, continually obeying God's Word that's coming out that person's mouth.

Is your angel busy or bored? Is your angel continually, occasionally, or never obeying God's Word concerning you and your life? How often are you declaring what God says about you: spiritually, physically, financially, and materially? If you want to keep your angel busy, keep voicing God's Word's concerning His promises and provision to and for you, and your family.

How's your angel doing? If bored, get it-and keep it-busy. If busy keep it that way. You can't wear an angel out. If necessary angels will get reinforcements, as was done for Daniel.

Is your angel busy or bored? What answers are you expecting from God, through the ministering spirits sent by God to minister for you?