
Who's in Charge?

Perhaps you've heard a customer ask store personnel, "Who's in charge?" They want to know who the boss is, who's in authority. Many people, including non-Christians, think that, here on the earth, God is in charge, that He's in authority, that He's in control. But is it true? Is God really in charge on the earth? Saying that God is in charge on the earth implies that everything that happens here is of God. That every test, trial, and temptation is somehow from an all-knowing loving God Who knows what's best for us. It implies that sickness, disease, wars,  murder, tornadoes, floods, torture, rape, and human trafficking are somehow controlled by a supposedly loving God. Don't ever question God. Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to do and die.

The problem with believing that God is in charge is that it's not totally true. It's a half-truth, which is half truth and half lie, making it worse than a lie. Why? Because too many Christians have no concept of a devil being behind all the evil in the world today. Those who believe in the devil far too often feel helpless to do anything about the devil's evil.

One of the great truths of the New Testament, under which Christians are to live), is that we have authority-dominion-over the devil, and all of his cohorts. Jesus, Who possessed all authority in heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18) gave it to His Church. Authority is delegated power. God's delegated power is our authority. Not apart from Him; together.

As Christ's ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20), we now represent God in the earth to the devil, as well as sinners. We, not Jesus, now reign in this life, by the authority Jesus gave to us. The Church, not Jesus, is to command sickness, disease, and tornadoes to go, in the Name of Jesus (you don't stand a chance by yourself). To God be the glory, I've seen all three depart from me, as I operated in my God-given authority, here on the earth. I'm bragging on the Name of Jesus, on God's Word. I'm bragging on the authority given to me.

Because of Adam's sin, the devil is now the god of this world, but not yours or mine. Why? Because although we're in this world, we're not of it. We're born of God. Greater is He-the Spirit of God-Who is in us than he (the devil) who is in the world (I John 4:4).

Jesus was in control over sickness, disease, storms, and all the works of the enemy. Now, Jesus is in Heaven, at God's right hand. As authorized by Jesus we, the Church are to be in charge, we are to be in control. No, we can't make the devil go away-he has a legal right to be here until his time is up.  But we have been given everything we need to get the same results against satan as Jesus did while He was on the earth (John 14:12).

It's up to us, the Church, to be in charge. The question is, are we? If not, why not?  If yes, it's because we're learning who we, the Church, really are, then acting like it in the earth.

It's our choice.  I said yes. I hope you'll join me.

God Loves Introverts

Not everyone is outgoing by nature. For those who are, never apologize for being who and what you are. On the other hand there are introverts. They are often behind the scenes, their creative gifts making possible the finished products which benefit all of us. Introverts are, too often, considered shy. This could be true in some cases, however, being introverted and being shy are not the same. I know one person who, though introverted, is certainly not shy. This person is just not one to start a conversation or enjoy crowds. One on one, a lot of introverts are engaging, conversational (to a point), and offer perspectives on life worth hearing. Introverts can be creative thinkers, seeing solutions others miss.

No one sees everything. My wife and children see things I don't. At times, I see things my wife doesn't. Not to make her look bad but, in part, to protect her; to make her look good. Introverts see things differently; they think outside the proverbial  status quo box; they're very analytical at times. To some that's being slow, but I see it as a potential way to do something in a way that could save family, business, or a church time and money.

In my opinion, leadership quality can improve by making room for introverts, starting with one. Not in pity or to be condescending, but recognizing that inside that quiet one, who's outside the spotlight, may very well be the gifts and talents needed at that moment. Pastors in need of creative solutions do well to ask God to send the right person(s). But how many will recognize God's answer, when it comes in the form of an introvert?

God loves everyone-the whole world for that matter-according to John 3:16, in the New Testament. Are you extroverted? God loves you. Perhaps you're on the shy side; it's hard for you to be around other people, until you get to each other. Well, God loves you. Maybe you're neither extroverted or shy, just a regular gal or guy. God loves you.

Finally, though, you may be an introvert. You're not outgoing; you're not actually shy. Initiating conversation is outside your comfort zone, so to speak. But, once you get started, you have a lot in you to share with those who-you hope-will listen to what you have to say. God loves you. Trust Him to open doors of opportunity whereby your gifts and talents can be shared in your own, unique, way. Be willing to go outside your own comfort zone.

Do you know an introvert? Is it you? How well are their (your?) viewpoints received?

The Five-A Team

Most jobs-most of life-involves being part of a team. Classroom assignments, sports, church production, and workplace projects-these are but a few of many potential scenarios where teams are involved. Even Jesus had a team. For the most part, jobs involve working with at least one other person-often more. Given the likelihood of working with others I have found that, by knowing and putting into practice certain basic principles, success in life can come easier.

Have you ever wondered why talent and personality go only so far on the job?  Why is longevity so often demonstrated by those whose character more than makes up for apparent-or actual-less talent and average personality?

Perhaps because, in life, character matters.

In my book The Five-A Team: Character Traits for Success in Life, I list five traits-all beginning with the letter A. When applied, these traits will make a measurable difference in the life of those who desire to succeed in life. You can find my book on Amazon and iBooks  This book would make a great gift for graduate.

A few years ago I was addressing several college business students. I told them that, if they'll show up for work sober, and on time, there's a place for them. The teacher agreed. Attendance and sobriety are a big deal to employers. As I state in my book, perfect attendance helped save my job, when others had more talent-and far more personality.

Personally, I believe that success in life is something worth pursuing at an early age. Children can start putting character traits into practice at an early age. By the time they're teenagers they'll be ahead of others waiting at the starting line, so to speak.

I do ask that those making a purchase please leave a review for others to see. I believe that you'll be blessed by what you read-even more blessed by putting what's read into practice.

After reading the book, what additional traits can you suggest?

We Were There

Among the the books I read growing up were ones entitled We Were There. This series portrayed characters as being part of the actual events being told about. Whether it was the explorers Lewis and Clark, the Boston Tea Party, or the Battle of Gettysburg, the author made it seem like the reader was actually there, as part of the story. In these scenarios, however, the reader wasn't there. No real exploring with Lewis and Clark, taking cover at Gettysburg, or watching tea being dumped in the Boston harbor. God's Word, the Bible, tells us that we were somewhere with Jesus. I know that this seems impossible, silly, or too good to be true, but please continue reading.

In the Book of Galatians, one of Paul's letters written to fellow Christians, we read that, in the eyes of God, we were crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20). Both the book of Romans and Colossians tell us that water baptism is symbolic of us being buried with Christ (Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12). This isn't a pretty picture, but it gets better-much better.

Ephesians 2:5,6 reveal to us that, when God quickened-made alive-Jesus Christ from the dead, we were quickened with Him. When God raised Christ from the dead, we were raised with Him. Best of all, when Jesus sat down at God's right hand, God made us sit there too.

We were there, with Christ, when He was made alive, raised up, and seated at God's right hand. Jesus did all the suffering, giving us the credit. Everything Jesus did, He did for us.

I don't claim to understand this in full, but have come to believe it; now I'm walking in this eternal truth. God says that we're seated together with Christ, at God's right hand, in heaven. From that exalted position, we're to enforce the devil's defeat here on the earth, as part of the growing number of triumphant believers called the Church. God's Church.

I've begun to walk in these Bible truths. Not like I'm going to, but my walk has begun. As enjoyable as those "virtual" books were as a boy, this is so much better. This is real; this is truth. WE WERE THERE, crucified, buried, made alive, raised, and seated together WITH Christ, in heavenly places, at God's right hand. Better than any fiction; this is real life.

If this is new to you or, even if you're already walking in these truths, feel free to share your questions and/or comments. We can learn from others, including you.

Secret Passages You'll Love

Secret passages have been around for years. Medieval castles often had (some still do) secret passages which the owner(s) used for their own purposes, such as a way of escape from intruders. The fictional hero Zorro used a secret passage to get from his fireplace to a cave where Toronado, his trusted horse, waited. Then, on to set the captives free. So far, no secret passages have been found in our home.

Secret passages have been used to lead people to hidden treasures in caves, for instance. History gives us story after story of secret passages to pirate treasure around the world.

The Bible references things which are hidden; truths which are there for those willing to go exploring. Not with the latest technology, but with their spirits. Yes, God has priceless treasures waiting for those willing to search for them.

Proverbs 2 refers to wisdom as a hidden treasure, waiting to found by those willing to search for it as they would silver or gold. Like gold, this treasure is often beneath the surface, so to speak. It takes dedication, persistence, and patience to find real Bible wisdom. While yes, there's a price to find this treasure, it is one well worth paying.

In Bible school one professor said that the things of God are like a treasure map: God tells you where the treasure is, but it'll take some digging on your part to find it. In life, searching for God's wisdom starts with the Bible, God's Word-the original Book of Wisdom. Finding God's wisdom takes searching certain passages of Scripture. These passages are a secret, hidden TO-not from-those who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here's a secret passage you'll love: Colossians 1:26,27: "the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but now is disclosed to the saints. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Christ IN you, not just with and for you. In you. That's a mystery to the mind, a mystery that most Christians haven't found out, yet. Understanding the reality of this passage will absolutely change the way you live. Other secret passages you'll love: Ephesians 2:5,6; 2 Timothy 1:7; First John 4:4.

The above passage is one of so many in the Epistles, letters written to Christians, including you and me. Secret passages just waiting to be found, revealed, and imparted to others who desperately desire to live free from satan's tyranny.

Now, on with your search. Move over, Zorro.

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2016-2024

When Change Can Be Good For You

Change has been around for thousands of years, including the Garden of Eden. As long as Adam and Eve obeyed God things went well. Then something  happened: Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered into a perfect world, and Adam and Eve encountered change in their lives. Man and woman were evicted, if you will, from having it all to living off of the land, by the sweat of Adam's brow. Not a good change. Becoming a Christian is certainly a change. Going from spiritual death to eternal life, from darkness to light, is change, the best change of all. A change associated with becoming a Christian-being born again-is renewing ones mind to think in line with God's Word. This produces change in the way one thinks, which eventually affects ones words and actions. Renewing ones mind is definitely a good change. A very good change.

Recognizing change around you and being willing to use what's changing (i.e. technology) to impart the unchanging Word of God to the world around you, including your next-door neighbors, is part of good change. Those under the age of 25 are better at this kind of change than those of us over 50.

Why are people against change, especially when it comes to technology? Why do so many who are 60 and over dig in their heels to resist change when they were those who saw (some demanded) so much change in the '60s and '70s? To use a restaurant analogy, spiritual appetites were changing in the '60s but most menus (churches) weren't.

One church that did change was Calvary Chapel, in Costa Mesa, California. Pastored then by Chuck Smith, this church became a leader in what came to be known as the Jesus Movement. Pastor Chuck allowed change to come into the sanctuary. New music, new people, new attitudes. And it was for good. The Movement spread across the country to the East Coast. Catering to young people drew thousands to churches willing to change or risk being left behind, culturally speaking.

Fast forward to today. As Christians we have the greatest message of all time, the message of the Gospel. Let's not change that; let's keep the pureness and simplicity of the Bible. After all, how much simpler can John 3:16 get? At the same time, each generation learns differently than those before it. Take potatoes, for instance. You can boil, fry, bake, boil, stew, and mash potatoes.  I've had potatoes each of these ways over the years. It's called variety.

A lot of churches-thus Christians-are like potatoes. They "preach" potatoes but serve them up only boiled, for instance. As much as I like potatoes, I'd get tired of them being just boiled. After a while. I'd be looking for change. The same is true in reaching younger generations: they're hungry for the potato (message), but want it some other way than boiled. Those refusing to change may lose a whole generation of "eaters." Isn’t that worth changing?

Using technology to present the timeless truths of Jesus Christ is one great example of when change can be good for you. Let's not lose another moment in being willing to change methods in how the message is "served." It's change the Church cannot afford to not make.

What are some changes you would like to see happen in the church you attend? What are you doing to try to bring about good change where you live?

© Hubert Gardner Ministries 2016-2024

Advantage: You

Tennis is scored by a series of points: love (0), 15, 30, 40, and game point. Six games make a set. Whoever wins a majority of sets wins the match. When both players have 40, a tie breaker system is used to determine the winner. Players take turns serving to their opponent, in the hopes of breaking the tie. When one player wins a point, the referee calls out "advantage"-and adds the person's last name. This continues until one player gains a two-point advantage, thus winning the game. In life God always holds the advantage over the devil. Through Christ, God has made provision for us to be like Him on the earth (I John 4:17): always holding an advantage over the devil in our own lives. When we use our God-given authority to resist the devil's ploys, God's advantage becomes ours. In every situation, in every area of life. This is good news for every Christian.

Life isn't a mere tennis match; it's far more real. To paraphrase what the world says, "stuff happens." Things happen for which there's just no apparent reason. That's why it's always good to know that we're not paupers or invalids; we're not helpless in this life. We're not orphans without purpose, provision, or protection. What God did through Jesus Christ is to our advantage. In the eyes of God we've already won. He see us as always victorious.

The advantage is always ours.

Do you know that God has given you the advantage in life? Do you know that God has tilted the playing field of life, so to speak, in your favor? Do you know what God has already provide for you, in Christ, as His child, to cause you to win in life? He's given you a new nature, delivered you from the devil's hold on your life, made you His very own child, given you His Word to grow in your walk with God, and put His love in you so you could love others, as well as yourself. Whatever "stuff" you've been through, God has made it possible for you to rise above it and enjoy life as a child of God, your Father.

In tennis terms this means game, set, and match are yours. In life this means winning over poverty, sickness and disease. That's to your advantage.

Advantage you.

Elsewhere on our website ( you'll find our LifeChange videos. These are basis truths to help you build and live an overcoming life, based on what God's Word says about who you are and what you have, in Christ, and what you can do, through Christ. It's about learning about the advantages of being God's child and living victoriously for Him, on this earth. Advantage God is now advantage you.

What is it like, knowing God's given you an advantage in life? What are some of the advantages God has given you over that person without Christ? Who do you know who needs to experience what you know? What are some ways you know to go about helping this to happen?

It May Be Time To Change Mirrors

Mirrors provide a reflection of how we look on the outside. We all use mirrors to check hair, ties, and general appearance. Personally, I'm glad for mirrors. Without them I would have missed the spot on my shirt, the hairs needing spraying or, worse, the unnecessary object in my nose. God has a mirror, in a manner of speaking. It's called His Word. Looking into God's Word allows us to see ourselves on the inside as God does, to get a glimpse of how we look in Christ, in God's sight. And we all look a whole lot better in Christ, than out. I know I do.

It's alright to have a good appearance, naturally speaking. More people ought to pay attention to how they look on the outside. At the same time, let's not forget to see ourselves in God's mirror, in the light of God's Word-especially the books of Romans through Revelation. These are the books written directly to Christians. It's here that we can get a true picture of how we look to God, and how He wants us to look before the world, those who are without Christ.

After all, we're His representatives in the earth, to those without Christ. And what better time to show Christ to the world than at Christmas?

If your only focus is your outward appearance, it may be time to change mirrors. It may be time see yourself in God's mirror, to focus more on how you look to God-and others, in Christ.